How can we add extra fee on Cash on delivery payment method in magento2. I tried to convert Phoenix COD in magento2 but not getting the result.


2 Answers 2


You can try with MSP_CashOnDelivery module: https://github.com/magespecialist/m2-MSP_CashOnDlivery

It add an additional Cash On Delivery payment method that allows you to load a csv configuration file, just like the Table Rate shipping, and set the additional fee.

Currently I found some bug, but it worth a try.

To install it via composer:

$ composer require msp/cashondelivery
$ composer update
$ php bin/magento module:enable MSP_Common
$ php bin/magento module:enable MSP_CashOnDelivery
$ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ php bin/magento cache:flush

I have created a module to add a payment fee by a specific payment method. You can add a payment fee for any payment methods(online or offline).

Recently I added lots of new features like add tax, support multi-currency, set sort order, etc.

Look at this: https://github.com/mageprince/magento2-paymentfee

  • You extension work with the GraphQL? Commented Jun 19 at 4:01

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