You could overwrite the template layout. This'll give you the most flexibility but may or may not have undesired consequences.
In the shipping-address/form.html
knockout template there is this code:
<!-- ko foreach: getRegion('additional-fieldsets') -->
<!-- ko template: getTemplate() --><!-- /ko -->
You can remove this and overwrite it with snippets as such:
<!-- ko foreach: getRegion('additional-fieldsets') -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<!-- ko with: getChild('firstname') -->
<!-- ko template: {name: getTemplate(), data: $data, as: 'element'} --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
<div class="col-sm-6">
<!-- ko with: getChild('lastname') -->
<!-- ko template: {name: getTemplate(), data: $data, as: 'element'} --><!-- /ko -->
<!-- /ko -->
This will require to you put in logic for each field, it will also make it difficult to have dynamic fields.