I am currently implementing bulk API for products and i have created custom module for it. I had to create custom module because i receive product data from a source does not have all attributes i wanted to create a product in magento. In my module i have a function that will push product data to RabbitMQ. My function will look as below:
private function bulkPublish($products, $topic)
$inputProcessed = [];
foreach ($products as $key => $singleEntityParams) {
$inputProcessed[$key] = $this->inputProcessor->process(
$result = null;
try {
$result = $this->massSchedule->publishMass($topic, $inputProcessed)->getBulkUuid();
//$result = $this->massSchedule->publishMass($topic, $inputProcessed)->getBulkUuid();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
echo $e->getTraceAsString();
return $result;
$this->inputProcessor = InpMagento\Framework\Webapi\ServiceInputProcessor;
$this->massSchedule = Magento\AsynchronousOperations\Model\MassSchedule;
$topic = async.magento.catalog.api.productrepositoryinterface.save.put ;
$products = Formatted data based on requirement for magento API
Following command should read message from RabbitMq:
php bin/magento queue:consumers:start async.operations.all
You might run this as a cron job or anyway you want.
I know this is late to answer but adding here so that other can use if they want.