In our case, it's not possible to upgrade to 1.9 at this time, sobut I will givemanaged to get the desired results, by copying some fix modules a tryfrom version 1.9: I extended Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Abstract::collect
and changed the following line (line #68):
$this->_areTaxRequestsSimilar = $this->_calculator->compareRequests($storeRequest, $addressRequest);
To the following:
if ($this->_helper->isCrossBorderTradeEnabled($this->_store)) {
$this->_areTaxRequestsSimilar = true;
} else {
$this->_areTaxRequestsSimilar = $this->_calculator->compareRequests($storeRequest, $addressRequest);
Of course, the isCrossBorderTradeEnabled()
helper method and configuration option don't exist, so you have to create this yourself in the system.xml of your own module:
<cross_border_trade_enabled translate="label comment">
<label>Enable Cross Border Trade</label>
<comment>When catalog price includes tax, enable this setting will fix the price no matter what the customer's tax rate is.</comment>
And call this option in the if-statement:
if (Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_CROSS_BORDER_TRADE_ENABLED, $this->_store)) {