Goto admin>System>Configuration>Checkout>Shopping Cart>Configurable Product Image
make it Product Thumbnail Itself
this make child product image
Instead of sending
send $_item
and put somelogic
for configurable product $_Item>getSku give child product a other time give main products. so just child product using item sku
I guess you have used third party extension so i have change some change according my concept change
Step1:instead of send product send all item object
findColorImage($_item->getProductId(),$product_base,'color', 'image');
findColorImage($_item,$product_base,'color', 'image');
Step2: some change on function
public function findColorImage($item, $arr, $key, $type)
/* $value set here*/
$found = '';
if(isset($arr[$key])) {
$total = count($arr[$key]);
for($i=0; $i<$total;$i++)
if($value == ucwords($arr[$key][$i]))//if it matches the color listed in the attribute
$found = $arr[$type][$i];//return the image src
if ($found == '') {
if (isset($arr['image'])){
$found = $arr['image'][0];
/* for configurable product send child product image */
$found=Mage::helper('catalog/image')->init($ChildProduct, 'thumbnail');
return $found;