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Hope this help everyone. The best thing about this method is that it doens't use inline javascript. Also don't forget to create a default.xml file in layout folder to declare swipper.css. Most relevant code you can find in nolimitsforweb repository in Github.

Hope this help everyone. The best thing about this method is that it doens't use inline javascript.

Hope this help everyone. The best thing about this method is that it doens't use inline javascript. Also don't forget to create a default.xml file in layout folder to declare swipper.css. Most relevant code you can find in nolimitsforweb repository in Github.

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You can also use it in any of your products widgets phtml files by declaring

<script type="text/x-magento-init">
    "#swiper-container": {
        "swiper_init": :{
                "direction": "horizontal",
                  "slidesPerView": 4, 
                  "spaceBetween": 40,
                  "centeredSlides": true,
                  "centeredSlidesBounds": true,

Hope this help everyone. The best thing about this method is that it doens't use inline javascript.

Hope this help everyone. The best thing about this method is that it doens't use inline javascript.

You can also use it in any of your products widgets phtml files by declaring

<script type="text/x-magento-init">
    "#swiper-container": {
        "swiper_init": :{
                "direction": "horizontal",
                  "slidesPerView": 4, 
                  "spaceBetween": 40,
                  "centeredSlides": true,
                  "centeredSlidesBounds": true,

Hope this help everyone. The best thing about this method is that it doens't use inline javascript.

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I found a better way. It is as described bellow.

First create a module. I assume you know how to create a basic module. Then in vendor/module/view/frontend create requirejs-config.js with following code:

 var config = {
    "map": {
        "*": {
            "swiper": "Vendor_Module/js/swiper",
            "swiper_init": "Vendor_Module/js/swiper_init"
        "Vendor_Module/js/swiper": ["jquery"]

Then place swiper.js and swiper_init.js in vendor/module/view/frontend/web/js

Swiper.js is the file you downloaded from Swiper repository and in swiper_init.js place following code:

], function($, Swiper){
     options: {
     _create:function(config, element){
     var widget = this,
     options = this.getOptions(),
     swiper = new Swiper(this.element, options);
    getOptions: function(){
        return this.options; 
    return $.vendor.module;

After that, add required classes to you phtml file

 <div class="swiper-container" data-mage-init='{"swiper_init":{
            "direction": "horizontal",
              "slidesPerView": 4, 
              "spaceBetween": 40,
              "centeredSlides": true,
              "centeredSlidesBounds": true,
 <div class="product-items swiper-wrapper"> 
   <div class="product-item-info swiper-slide>
     .....your code to get products/images etc ......

Save everything and setup:upgrade and all relevant Magento2 commands

Hope this help everyone. The best thing about this method is that it doens't use inline javascript.