I've set 2 websites us and uk.
Signed up for Braintree sandbox account.
Created 2 Merchant Account ID.
1- uk_maid currency GBP.
2- us_maid currency USD.
Magento admin Stores->Configuration->Sales->Payment Method on the left changed Store View: uk_website then configured Braintree entered all details plus Merchant ID
= uk_maid saved.
Again same process as above but Merchant ID
will be us_maid:
Magento admin Stores->Configuration->Sales->Payment Method on the left changed Store View: us_website then configured Braintree entered all the details and Merchant ID
= us_maid saved.
Placed order in uk website everything works payment were taken and appear in my sanbox Braintree dashboard under the uk_maid which is set to default.
Now using us website in ../checkout/#payment as soon as check radio box Braintree as payment option :
I don't get it why can't use alternative merchant id for us website?
Is this a bug? Anyone have had this set up any experienced the issue? Thanks.