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To remove "slider preview(gallarygallery images)" we have to change belowthe code in our theme view.xmlview.xml file.

file location : app/design/frontend/your_themepackage/your theme/etc/view.xml

app/design/frontend/your_themepackage/your theme/etc/view.xml

<var name="nav">false</var> <!-- Gallery navigation style (false/thumbs/dots) -->

To remove "slider preview(gallary images)" we have to change below code in our theme view.xml file.

file location : app/design/frontend/your_themepackage/your theme/etc/view.xml

<var name="nav">false</var> <!-- Gallery navigation style (false/thumbs/dots) -->

To remove "slider preview(gallery images)" we have to change the code in our theme view.xml file.

file location :

app/design/frontend/your_themepackage/your theme/etc/view.xml

<var name="nav">false</var> <!-- Gallery navigation style (false/thumbs/dots) -->
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To remove "slider preview(gallary images)" we have to change below code in our theme view.xml file.

file location : app/design/frontend/your_themepackage/your theme/etc/view.xml

<var name="nav">false</var> <!-- Gallery navigation style (false/thumbs/dots) -->