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Mar 3, 2014 at 11:24 comment added Jonathan Hussey I hope you are recovering after your surgery! Yes the module is developed by my company and yes we are very happy to let you trial it on a staging/dev domain. Just drop us an email using the customer service email address in the left column of our store and I'll pick it up - As a side note, glad you fixed the memcached issue, worth noting perhaps that add to cart can appear to work under 1.8 for the user who causes the page to cache as their form key is also cached, but clear your cookies to get a new session + form key and you will probably find it fails.
Mar 2, 2014 at 16:50 comment added ThatSourDiesel BTW, Evolved Caching is your own module?? Just out of curiosity - would you be willing to let me give it a shot on my staging server? We can discuss in PM domain names and what not so you can verify it's actually a test server and not production =)
Mar 2, 2014 at 16:43 comment added ThatSourDiesel I love Fabrizio's blog! Definitely seen that AJAX module of his - that's what I was referring to when I mentioned AJAX in that last comment of mine. The add to cart issue I was having was due to something weird with memcached I managed to fix, actually. That said, even though they say Turpentine doesn't work with 1.8 unless you disable the form_key, it seemed to work just fine for me. However, I had not fully understood ESI at that point, so it's since been disabled until I can spend more time implementing and testing. I missed a bit of work recently - broke collarbone, had to get surgery.
Feb 24, 2014 at 8:11 comment added Jonathan Hussey Sure ok. I don't think that Turpentine yet works with 1.8 CE due to the inclusion of the form_key on the frontend - this could have been why you had issues with add to cart. Personally I would recommend Ajax over ESI mainly because ESI requires you to send a request in to Magento before the page is delivered and this is always going to be slow. You might be interested to look at this post.
Feb 23, 2014 at 9:04 comment added ThatSourDiesel Oh wow, interesting. I'll definitely look into that. I should post an update onto here. Basically, I have decided to go with Varnish rather than a full page cache module, but I got stuck a bit on what to do about the dynamic parts. ESI vs AJAX, for the most part. I tried out Varnish w/ Turpentine, but when I had issues adding stuff to the cart - I pulled it. Turns out the issues were related to my memcached session save handler, I ended up finding later on. So, that said, I still want to get Varnish back up, but need to spend some time making sure all my dynamic portions work just fine.
Feb 21, 2014 at 17:22 history answered Jonathan Hussey CC BY-SA 3.0