Medical Imaging Engineer AKA, X-Ray, Ultrasound, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cath-Labs (i.e. angioplasty) video Imaging and much more (but lets not get Laborious). Various programming languages, but I let it go as I discovered at University I did not like it and what I had paid better anyway, (20K in student loans debt), what a waste? Lesson Learned, Get a Technical Education as it is in greater demand the those with a Collage Degree!!!
Please don't look for my websites for now. I had to stop with this as I got hurt (broken neck) and since President Obama I can't get good medical care any more, (years of suffering) and all our government seems to be good at is breaking things, Humm!, Drain the swamp!!!
What would Government health care look like, Just look at the VA and how it runs