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4 votes

Access Token Expiration settings have no effect

I found the solution. There is another setting here: I set the expiration here to 600 minutes and it works perfectly.
Pethő Jonatán's user avatar
4 votes

Magento 1: Where is oauth_admin.php

oauth_admin.php is just a stand-alone PHP Oauth client script which can be your callbackurl. You can replace this with your controller and action url path. Its involved in all the three legged ...
Haijerome's user avatar
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3 votes

Cannot Create OAuth Consumer

I figured out my issue. In System -> Configuration -> Advanced -> Advanced, I had to enable Mage OAuth. Then I had to go to System -> Cache Management and run Flush Magento Cache. I was unaware that ...
Josh's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento 2: Where does the oAuth verifier token come from

Magento 2 uses OAuth 1.0 based authentication for web APIs. At the first instance by looking on the documentation you will feel messed up. But if you have somewhat background of OAuth, you will easily ...
Kamal Singh's user avatar
2 votes

Magento 2: How can I Revoke an Authorization Token

protected $_customerTokenServiceFactory; public function __construct(\Magento\Integration\Model\CustomerTokenService $customerTokenServiceFactory) { $this->_customerTokenServiceFactory = $...
Surf's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento2 soap/rest api for third-party consumer

They are using 1.0 (from the dev docs): Magento OAuth authentication is based on OAuth 1.0a, an open standard for secure API authentication. OAuth is a token-passing mechanism that allows a ...
Vijay Golani's user avatar
2 votes

Magento 2: Successful oAuth/Integration Flow

We implement the oAuth request token from openAM and created the new user in Magento2. As we manage user groups and role in our system and using oAuth token to validate it. Hopefully this will help ...
Yogendra Mishra's user avatar
2 votes

Magento 2 Oauth Integration Error

You can place the OauthClient.php along with the other three files in your application. You just have to add the following line in your checklogin.php require 'OauthClient.php';
Kavya Manasa Dontireddy's user avatar
2 votes

Magento 2 Oauth request token - oauth_problem=Invalid+signature

If you supply all of those values, you don't have to use the access or request routes. postman will take care of the rest. Typically I've noticed that some routes are slightly different; ie. use: ...
Sean Ciaschi's user avatar
1 vote

OAuth-based authentication getting issue

You are using wrong path for ./vendor/autoload.php Replace this code require './vendor/autoload.php'; With: require '../vendor/autoload.php';
Arun Sharma's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.3 UPS integration now that UPS requires OAuth?

For anyone else that runs into this, you'll need to contact UPS API support. They will send you the legacy link (which is no longer posted in their developerkit page) to request an access key - ...
BBIchris's user avatar
1 vote

Access Token Expiration settings have no effect

This might be a setting in your redis configuration. please check your redis settings in your env.php. documentation can be found here:
Philipp Sander's user avatar
1 vote

How to call Magento 2 Oauth 1.0 API for services without Callback & Identity URL?

Update: I have 2 options for you. Option 1: Improved version of Magento's OAuth demo scripts I have created a demo OAuth 1.0a application which can receive tokens from Magento 2.x:
Jeroen Vermeulen's user avatar
1 vote

How to call Magento 2 Oauth 1.0 API for services without Callback & Identity URL?

You can still use the bearer token authentication method but it is not considered secure anymore. To do so, you need to enable a config flag: Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer ...
Herve Tribouilloy's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2.4.4 oAuth

I had the same issue with Community Edition 2.4.4. According to the \Magento\Framework\Oauth\OauthInterface constants, SHA1 has been deprecated. By using HMAC-SHA256 I could get past the signature ...
Stuart Franke's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 1: Where is oauth_admin.php

The oauth_token and oath_verifier is used to retrieve the oath_access_token That will be used for your subsequent requests to query products etc. $stack = HandlerStack::create(); $middleware = new ...
wrb's user avatar
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1 vote

Oauth 2.0 in Magento 2.2 with how to access the token

Magento 2 is compliant Oauth 1.0a only
Hikmadh Commerce's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to get access_token for Magento2.0

Endpoint POST http://<host>/rest/default/V1/integration/admin/token Header Content-Type application/json Payload { "username": "admin", "password": "123123q" } Response Magento returns ...
Aditya Shah's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting "oauth_problem=Consumer+key+has+expired" Error in Magento 2 Auth 1.0

We are also facing this issue and find the solution for this. But this is default magento2 issue. Please find the link below.
Vishnunath's user avatar
1 vote

Neither Token nor Oauth API Authentication are working Magento 2.2.3

I found that the problem was I was attempting to use a callback URL that required basic authentication. I did not notice this when I tested the URL because my computer had already authenticated. I ...
jaspersk's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 OAuth API - Consumer key has expired

It seems as though Magento 2.2.3 has a Bug:
Michael Müller's user avatar
1 vote

How to configure postman with magento 1.9 complete beginner

Here is a quick Magento 1.x official guide for API Testing: You can use mozilla firefox plugin.
Bhavani's user avatar
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1 vote

Get Customer Login into Magento1.9.x mobile app using REST api

Please check this article hope this will help you
Manish's user avatar
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1 vote

Rest api oauth token empty

This seems a problem of mod_rewrite OR SymLinks. Please enable mod_rewrite : sudo a2enmod rewrite Now edit apache config file : sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and replace this code : <...
Anil Suthar's user avatar
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1 vote

REST api call for Guest user

Try magento 2 it gives more support to uses rest api and is most suitable for apps
Visakh B Sujathan's user avatar
1 vote

Not able to get OAuth token for Magento Rest API Client

You can get OAuth Token by using below details: URL : https://magento.local/rest/V1/integration/customer/token Header : Content-Type : application/json Request Type : POST **Params**---...
BornCoder's user avatar
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