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7 votes

Magento 2 with multiple domain names

You don't need to edit the index.php or .htaccess files. You just need to add the ENV variables to your vhosts file after you have setup the store in the magento admin. Here is an example vhosts ...
KyleBunga's user avatar
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7 votes

Magento 2 with multiple domain names

Maybe this will help anybody, I use this in my index.php and works like a charm :) switch ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { case '': case '': $params = $_SERVER; $...
Henk Provily's user avatar
4 votes

Multiple stores with subfolders - nginx

I've done a setup with Magento 2.2 and nginx before, but with subdomains instead of folders. So the setup was:,,...,,... etc. This is a ...
Anna Völkl's user avatar
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3 votes

Magento 2 Cookie for specific domain without extra dot

Before worrying about why it happens, you may want to consider whether it's actually a problem for you. It seems to be that having a leading dot shouldn't be affecting cookie behaviour in the browser. ...
Rhys - SproutDesk's user avatar
3 votes

Magento2 | Multi Domain & Multi Website

Please follow link. I hope that'll help you for Setup Multi Store With Multi Domain in Magento 2.
Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.'s user avatar
2 votes

Customer registration problem. Page reload after submit

I had that issue some times ago, it is related to form key. For some reason form key is missing in your template under persistent/customer/form/register.phtml and in your customer persistent/customer/...
Ledian Hymetllari's user avatar
2 votes

Translate Maintenance mode per website in multiwebsite-multidomain setup

Update: Found another way for translated maintenance page: if (isset($_GET['skin'])) { $this->...
sv3n's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento 2: Add to Cart and Cart Sharing do not work on multi store setup

The Add to Cart buttons started to work when I performed these 2 tasks from command line: php bin/magento indexer:reindex php bin/magento cache:clean For a reference, I set the Cookie Path to be / ...
Yas Nakano's user avatar
2 votes

Magento2.1: How to create multiple websites with different domains

You can create multiple websites or store views in Magento 2 admin panel and map unique domains to each of them. Step 1: Point all domains to pub in Magento's root directory Step 2: Configure domain ...
Aman Srivastava's user avatar
2 votes

How to create multi store/branches for showing products?

This is standard feature of Magento. You can create multis-stores/multi-websites in admin and can assign different products to each store. You can display a pop-up page on loading of site and can ...
Jarnail S's user avatar
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2 votes

Use same storecode for different websites

Indeed you cannot use the same code for 2 store views. And I don't recommend removing the restriction since magento counts on the store view code to be unique. So I don't think there is a way to ...
Marius's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento Multi domain setup complete guide setup index.php .htaccess

You don't have to anything in index.php, just add following in .htaccess or in your apache hosts file: #first website with www or without www SetEnvIf Host ^www\.aaa\.nl MAGE_RUN_CODE=base SetEnvIf ...
Prakash Thapa's user avatar
2 votes

Multi Store Cookie Issue

The issue is you're creating a cookie that doesn't have an explicit sub-domain. Adding the www subdomain to and clearing your cookies should fix the issue. When you visit dealer....
Andrew Noble's user avatar
2 votes

Move the primary store out of the hosting to a new install on a different server and keep the secondary store/website still working on the old server?

Yes that should work. If you change the A-records for the domain of your primary store (e.g. and in the DNS server to point to the IP address of your new server you should ...
HelgeB's user avatar
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1 vote

Mulitple websites with one instance or with multiple?

Is the multi website feature of Magento only useful if the shops have something in common? No, they can used for multiple scenarios. Usually multiple store views are used for different languages or ...
ml13007's user avatar
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1 vote

Multi view store (CA and USA) sitemaps on different domains

First, create a new folder called sitemaps in the root of your website, then create subfolders for each domain. /sitemaps/domain1/ /sitemaps/domain2/ Then login to the Magento admin > Marketing &...
Nikunj Vadariya's user avatar
1 vote

Multiwebsite and multistore magento 2

To short answer, I provide already detail explanation links Hope it help you !. I consider you understand Following terms Multi-store(different Catalog/Brand) multi-view(different Region/Language/...
lalit mohan's user avatar
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Magento 2 - How to Manage different theme for different store?

Multi store is one of the great features that magento has out of the box. So, to configure each new store you've created with a different domain, you can change it on Stores > Configuration > Web > ...
DavidVR's user avatar
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1 vote

Magento2: Different domain for each store view

You need to set the MAGE_RUN_TYPE to store, not to website here. See Also you have an extra whitespace after your Host ...
Jonas Hünig's user avatar
1 vote

Multiple stores with subfolders - nginx

Using subdirectorries Add the Language directory as subdirectories symlinking the index.php to the original one. Then detect subdirectory + domain name in the index.php to set the active storecode.
Sander Mangel's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 - multi database - multi websites

You can have multiple domain with multiple websites in a single Magento 2 installation but you can't have multiple databases. Magento 2 EE you can split database but not for websites. For your ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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1 vote

URL Redirection in case of multi-store

If your hosting on hosting A allows mulitple domains then you just need to update the nameservers for domain to your hosting on which site is hosted i.e site B and after that you need to ...
magento noob's user avatar
1 vote

URL Redirection in case of multi-store

Look at the DNS records for your domain and change the IP address to that of the server where your magento installation is. If you don't know how to do that ask the company hosting your domain to do ...
jscar's user avatar
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1 vote

Multiple stores using multidomain SSL certificate

For anyone having the same issue, I resolved it by adding virtual host entries to httpd.conf. Basically, I found the entry for the primary domain and copied it, replacing the domain name with the ...
Stuart Hoff's user avatar
1 vote

Magento2 | Multi Domain & Multi Website

You seem to have done most of the work as I have not needed to change anything on index.php in the past and have just set the apache virtual hosts as per Dec docs articles at bottom of answer for it ...
harri's user avatar
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Running Magento 2 on a subdomain of Magento 1.9

Just to clarify the difference between subdomain and language as paramater: Subdomain - Language/Parameter - I would recommend using the subdomain approach with ...
codedge's user avatar
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1 vote

Multi domain or substore cart sharing

Yes, that should be possible when you make a change to: app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Model/Session.php. Please refer to this article for more information:
Niels's user avatar
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1 vote

Configure multiple websites on a single magento install

Please check this guide it should help you to setup your local environment:
Nikola's user avatar
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Magento2.1: How to create multiple websites with different domains

I got it: In the config for your stores, just enter the URLs as they are, not the install URL. Then, on the alternative domain (, use the default htaccess (when it is in root, ...
Kim K.'s user avatar
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Magento 2 - Single instance, multiple websites with single store view each - How to configure Apache?

The first problem I can't find a solution for is how to tell Apache to rewrite (?) the static assets Actually, you don't need to do that. Instead of setting as Base URL, ...
Rafael Kassner's user avatar

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