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6 votes

In Magento 2.4 Cart page showing "Estimate Shipping and Tax"

I faced with this issue also. But in my case disabling of modules is not a solution because we use it for paypal. But I found what causing this error - "payment/braintree_local_payment/allowed ...
Sergey Uskov's user avatar
4 votes

How to upgrade Redis and ElasticSearch in Magento Cloud?

It depends if you're on Magento Starter or Magento Pro. Updating the services.yaml file will update your development environments, and production if you're using Magento Starter. That will let you ...
Crell's user avatar
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3 votes

How to find Magento Cloud DB credentials?

In your terminal, you might see the data to do the connection between the services with this Magento Cloud CLI command below. magento-cloud relationships -e environment environment = integration|...
Waqar Ali's user avatar
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3 votes

How to clone directly from Magento Cloud?

You can try to run this command below, dont' forget to use your project id and the environment name. magento-cloud get bkyvkcoafe -e production But if you're not able to do it you can clone using ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
3 votes

How to synchronize Magento Cloud environments?

You can use Magento Cloud CLI to do it, you just need to change to your integration branch and run it: Sync Database magento-cloud sync data Sync Code magento-cloud sync code Sync Media zip -r -9 ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
3 votes

How to create an Integration environment in Magento Cloud?

Step 1 :- Checkout to Staging Branch git checkout staging Step 2 :- Create a Integration Brach git checkout -b integration Step 3 :- git add . && git commit -m "Integration Environment ...
Basant Mandal's user avatar
3 votes

In Magento 2.4 Cart page showing "Estimate Shipping and Tax"

Thank you @duntuk and @Will Wright for giving efforts to solve this issue. much appreciated. This issue was due to Braintree modules in Magento 2.4.0 and the following solutions I found for this issue....
Ups's user avatar
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2 votes

In Magento 2.4 Cart page showing "Estimate Shipping and Tax"

bin/magento module:disable PayPal_Braintree PayPal_BraintreeGraphQl Also if you only have a single site setup "default" you should go into the database "core_config_data" and ...
duntuk's user avatar
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2 votes

How to check Magento Cloud patches available?

To check the patches available you can run this command below, but I recommend checking with your Magento Cloud support first. ./vendor/bin/ece-patches status You will see: Patch's ID Title Type (...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
2 votes

Magento on AWS vs Magento Cloud

First things first, it depends on which Magento edition are we talking about: If we consider hosting Magento Open Source in AWS, then you have only the functionalities provided by the Open Source ...
Diana's user avatar
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2 votes

phtml that includes additional php file

I believe $block->getViewFileUrl() is meant for retrieving static asset url's for files like jpg, gif, css, etc... Is it possible that you can rename your php file: from: barcode-generater.php to: ...
sdaugherty's user avatar
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2 votes

How to know if you're running out of space with Magento Cloud?

You just need to run these two commands below to measure the allocated disk and the percentage of usage. Check database $ magento-cloud db:size -e production +----------------+-----------------+-----...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
2 votes

Can we remove Integration environment from magento cloud project?

Step 1:- Take a clone of Integration Environment, In case you need to recover back. Step 2:- List all Environment on your Project & Get the Environment ID magento-cloud environment:list Step 3:- ...
Basant Mandal's user avatar
2 votes

How to upgrade a Magento Cloud project via Composer?

Metapackage As you in this other answer, magento/magento-cloud-metapackage is, as its name suggests, a meta-package - AKA a package that represents a collection of other packages that go together, as ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
2 votes

Which file is used to define the list of services available in an application on Adobe commerce cloud?

Yes, answer A is right because they ask to list of services available in an application on adobe commerce cloud please read question again.
Janmesh Dargode's user avatar
2 votes

css file can not be read?

Magento has published a patch for this for Magento 2.4.5: "ACSD-46815: static content deploy fails when using compact strategy". The ACSD-46815 patch fixes the issue where the static ...
Tu Van's user avatar
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2 votes

Mageplaza Call to undefined method getCollectionClone()

You need to Update the Mageplaza Module Because, in the new version, they update the code. protected function _getItemsData() { if (!$this->_moduleHelper->isEnabled()) { return ...
Ronak Rathod's user avatar
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2 votes

Mageplaza Call to undefined method getCollectionClone()

For me with magento 2.4.6 and Porto Theme i had to use for Price.php line 179 In addition to Ronak Rathod post. this github post Where replace product ...
La Bicicleta Contacto's user avatar
1 vote

How to force Magento Cloud to recompile?

You can generate a generic file in order to run the entire deployment, I usually create a file called time in the root folder where I just add the current date, then I push it to the Staging ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
1 vote

Magento Cloud space error

It's happening because even with a huge amount of space available, you need to allow each service to use a certain amount of GBs using the file .magento/services.yaml # The services of the project. # #...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
1 vote

get db size with magento-cloud cli

Did you try this method? magento-cloud ssh -eproduction -pPROJECTID then the usual command df -h | grep -E 'mysql|mnt|Filesystem' Try to login to MySQL using CLI, can you do that?
Dilhan Maduranga's user avatar
1 vote

What are the differences between magento cloud extension and open source extension?

First of all, I am not sure what you mean by 'extension', but I am assuming you are referring to is the different Magento 'editions'. Code-wise, in a simplified way of answering your question, the ...
Diana's user avatar
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1 vote

How to find Magento Cloud DB credentials?

Please let me know if it works for you; Access your magento cloud via ssh and then run that comment: $ echo $MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS decode the result of that is over base64 encoding: $ php -r ...
viniciusbord9's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 EE: Running composer update is giving error

Composer must be run using PHP that is used by your Magento instance. If you use a Docker setup, you need to run it inside Docker container (via 'docker exec' command, see:
Michał Biarda's user avatar
1 vote

Elastic search throws errror while running upgrade command via CLI in magento 2

Just restart the service :) sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch sudo systemctl start elasticsearch You may also need to execute: sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
Joao71's user avatar
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Difference between magento-cloud variable:list and vendor/bin/ece-tools env:config:show

I got some help from Joe Shelton, wagento-joe, on the magento Slack, #cloud-docker channel. The magento-cloud CLI manages Cloud environments. It won't interact with a local environment or docker ...
user2453676's user avatar
1 vote

php.ini on magento cloud readonly

For magento cloud, the production is in read-only mode. You have to change & push the codechanges from lower environments (staging, integration, etc) into production. Another option is to set the ...
Mage Explorer's user avatar
1 vote

How to fix the Design Configuration grid empty?

The design grid depends on an index called design_config_grid, which means that by running these commands below you might be able to see your grid again. bin/magento indexer:status bin/magento indexer:...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
1 vote

install Magento-Cloud cli at local question

You have to use ~/.profile instead of ~/.bash_profile in in Linux dist probably.
BartZalas's user avatar
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Cannot install Magento Cloud cli on local

You need add sudo before php not before the curl
KAndy's user avatar
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