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6 votes

Magento 2 Customer review report search Bug in all 2.1.x, 2.2

Here is the solution... Create new module Vendor/Module/etc/module.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="...
Nicholas Miller's user avatar
5 votes

Fork of Old magento/magento2-samples Modules

I've forked the most recent one I could find - Update They're back with an out of date disclaimer -
Ben Crook's user avatar
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4 votes

Magento 2 - AWS automatic codeDeploy via GitHub webhook

This is a very "BIG" topic but I will cover the basics here ASSUMING YOU ALREADY HAVE an AWS account and CodeDeploy setup Here are the basic that we take on a deployment for M2 Here is the appspec....
brentwpeterson's user avatar
4 votes

Running Magento 2's Provided Code Sniffs

It's the PhpCsFixer configuration file, not the code sniffer rules itself Instead of using command line options to customize the rule, you can save the project configuration in a .php_cs.dist file ...
Pavel Novitsky's user avatar
3 votes

Where is the code of packages like Magento\ReCaptchaAdminUi on Github?

This module is included in the security package, you can find Magento_ReCaptchaAdminUi module on
Tu Van's user avatar
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3 votes

Call to undefined method Magento\Eav\Api\Data\AttributeExtension::setIsPagebuilderEnabled()

If anyone facing this issue, please have look at this hotfix diff --git a/vendor/magento/module-page-builder/Plugin/Catalog/Model/Product/Attribute/RepositoryPlugin.php b/vendor/magento/module-...
Nilesh Dubey's user avatar
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2 votes

Running Magento 2's Provided Code Sniffs

You can use a pre-commit hook to check the staged files, there is one in: dev/tools/Magento/Tools/StaticReview/pre-commit Instead, if you want to test a specific file you can run the phpcs ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
  • 648
2 votes

How to setup static analyzers used in Magento's build pipeline?

Introduction This document provides setup steps to get most static analyzers that are used in Magento's build pipeline working locally in PHPStorm. This guide is written specifically for those using ...
2 votes

Magento 2: I want to clone the Media folder as well while cloning the Magento 2 GIT repository

For this you can open git repo url and check if media folder is available in git repository ? If not available than ask administrator to commit in new branch and you can take a pull of that branch. ...
ParulThakkar's user avatar
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2 votes

Magento 2 : how to install magento 2 Extesion using composer from github private repository?

Please set your repository Private to Public because the Private repository is not working for this operation. Please set your package name in a lower case "bhaveshpp/Percentoffsale" to "...
Hardik Makwana's user avatar
1 vote

Could not apply patch! Skipping

create patch file: copy file: cp {current file} {modified file} after modification in file of modified file check difference: diff {current file} {modified file} create patch: diff -u {current ...
Baharuni Asif's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 - Database values to push in production using Git

You can do this using app:config:dump command. This will generate system specific, configuration specific, sensitive configuration settings in config.php. then you can commit this config.php file on ...
Pramod's user avatar
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1 vote

Magento 2 - Where to find the code for vendor/magento/framework on github?

You can find this in the lib/internal dir in github. Link below:
Liam Toohey's user avatar
1 vote

create Magento package in packagist

Please refer to Magento's official documentation for instruction on hosting your package. You can find the instruction on link!
Tarun Bhalodia's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2.3.4 - How to install Inventory Management Manually?

You can get the missing Magento Inventory (a.k.a MSI) packages from: For Magento 2.3.x you need to get the latest 1.1.x release. copy all module folders to app/...
Stevie-Ray Hartog's user avatar
1 vote

Best way to work on Magento 2

Depends on the size of the build and the budget for dev resources. But on a larger site we have 3 sites. And a lot of these are a topic in their own right. The most solid setup is to have three sites. ...
Dominic Pixie's user avatar
1 vote

How to test module in different Magento and PHP versions using CI?

First of all, you have to implement the Magento Coding Standard, then you can create a Travis config file to set the PHP version that you want to test your module and the Magento version and edition, ...
Rafael Corrêa Gomes's user avatar
1 vote

Add Magento Existing project to Github repository

Below is the process for setup existing project to git. Create a repo on git. use git init command inside magento folder git remote -v git fetch --all git checkout master use git add . to add files ...
Hitesh Agrawal's user avatar
1 vote

clean server .gitgnore

You can generate .gitignore file from here also. .gitignore Search 'Magento2' Your file /robots.txt file is alreday added in .gitignore file
Vrajesh Patel's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2: Setup Magento project after clone git repository

First of all, you need to check the vendor folder. If it is empty then you need to run the below commands to install core modules of Magento and deploy the project. composer update php bin/magento s:...
Sumit's user avatar
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1 vote

Why is the default .gitignore in Magento 2 ignoring files from /pub/media?

Images are not required for a project to run, which should be the point for a code repository Imagine a 200k sku's catalog with all catalog images inside git repository... what a size! https://...
Raul Sanchez's user avatar
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1 vote

What will happen if we install magento 2 from github and later used composer to update

It will not update Magento, only the external dependencies, listed in the require section of composer.json. Everything in the replace section is supposed to be in the repository itself, so composer ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
1 vote

Running Magento 2's Provided Code Sniffs

Sounds like you're asking to simply run the command all on your own. Try this. Remove --dry-run to have it automatically apply the fixes. php /path/to/php-cs-fixer --dry-run --diff --verbose fix /...
cyk's user avatar
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1 vote

Require specific Magento 2 Github commit with composer

This is not possible. The Magento 2 composer repositories are maintained separately from the development repository in GitHub. That means: there is one repository per module (magento/product-...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar

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