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How I can seed products into database directly?

Get all Simple products (sku, qty, stock_status) : select catalog_product_entity.sku, cataloginventory_stock_item.qty, cataloginventory_stock_status.stock_status from ...
Hafiz Arslan's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2.4.3 - The store that was requested wasn't found. Verify the store and try again

This problem is familiar to me. You are right , the tables or one of them are not successfully transferred You might also have other issues if you have tables in your database starting with S or ...
ArmMage's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 - Is it bad practice to directly use SQL in php?

Using direct SQL queries is indeed BAD PRACTICE. While they do retrieve data faster they also add its handful of security risks not only from cyber attacks but as well as performance issues. Most ...
Infinri's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Unique constraint violation found when adding product, categories or mega menu items

I my case it was because of long url key added for some of the product. When I checked the url_rewrite table it had request_path with 255 characters. Increasing the number fixed the problem.
Avesh Naik's user avatar
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Magento 2 wrong db user

This issue is due to MySQL's triggers. You can recreate the triggers with the following commands: To remove all triggers: bin/magento indexer:set-mode realtime To create all new: bin/magento indexer:...
Litvinenko Sergey's user avatar
1 vote

Magento2 - Migrating the database from one server to another

If you are using Linux : systemctl stop mysqld Add log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1 to my.cnf under /etc systemctl start mysqld If you are using AWS RDS, such as MariaDB. Set a Parameter Groups ...
Grazitti Dev's user avatar
1 vote

misunderstand save action magefan blog

After saving the post, it calls the post model's _afterSave function, which updates the relationship data for categories and tags: Model/ResourceModel/Post.php protected function _afterSave(\...
Andrew Noble's user avatar
1 vote

How to add bootstrap and angular in magento2.4.5

Regarding adding Bootstrap or any CSS framework to a limited part of the website there's a lot of ways (and mix of ways) : Since Magento is modular even when it comes to Frontend, I suggest getting ...
medmek's user avatar
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Magento 2 :: Admin Custom Form values stored with double quotes issue

You can use str_replace function for remove double quotes, like this str_replace('"', '', $data['shipping_methods']); echo str_replace('"', '', "flatrate_flatrate, tablerate_bestway, ...
Harish kuril's user avatar
1 vote

Magento 2 :: Admin Custom Form values stored with double quotes issue

Your value which is store in database is wrong, it should be like this "flatrate_flatrate","tablerate_bestway","freeshipping_freeshipping" instead of this "...
Aziz Kapasi's user avatar
1 vote

How I can search in database for a category given in url?

I would suggest you to check the RewriteUrl entity matching url_rewrite table, there are located all the rewrite for product and categories. So you should be able to find in the path your category ...
Claims's user avatar
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Mysql error MySQL doesn't yet support drop existing primary key without adding a new primary key

This looks like a Mysql issue rather than Magento. Try the following command: mysql> SET sql_generate_invisible_primary_key=OFF; You can check the solution from here
Sohel Rana's user avatar
1 vote

Import Order from Magento 1 to Magento 2

To migrate the order data from Magento 1 to Magento2 you can use the Data Migration tool which will import the orders from Magento 1 to Magento2. Below is the official link to setup the data migration ...
Grazitti Dev's user avatar

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