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5 votes

Re-direct Category Menu item to different URL

You can do this by adding a record in URL Rewrites In admin goto Marketing -> URL Rewrites add new URL rewrite by clicking Add URL Rewrite Create URL Rewrite Dropdown Select Custom Store Select ...
Rakesh Varma's user avatar
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2 votes

How to link to a new CMS page from the category menu?

Instead of a redirect, copy your CMS page content into a Static Block. In the Manage Categories area, open your category, then open the Display Settings tab. Change Display Mode to Static Block Only-...
Steven J's user avatar
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Wrong url redirection for product or category page Magento 2.2.3

For above my problem, I seem to have found my solution for that after too much googling. I have used below extension which is free. for that ...
Balwant Singh's user avatar
1 vote

Rewrite product page URLs based on that product assigned attribute URLs in Magento 2.3

I guess you have to use some custom code for this. For example you can write a short plugin like the following, which hooks in after the metod Magento\CatalogUrlRewrite\Model\ProductUrlPathGenerator::...
HelgeB's user avatar
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Category pagination URL rewrite is default Magento1.9 behavior for paginated links. The mirasvit extension doesn't have a setting for switching it out to the https://www.domainname....
Haim's user avatar
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