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denotes a question about the Magento e-mail templates

1 vote

Dynamic code for logo src for use in email templates, possibly using short tags?

You can add logo's for the email templates from the backend. This would eliminate the need to change anything hardcoded. In the email template it's outputted with the following code <a href="{{store …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
3 votes

Replace SKU on transactional emails with Product ID

As far as I know editing the template files is the only way to accomplish what you want to achieve. Altho I haven't tested I think you don't need to load the product model, you should be able to acces …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
1 vote

Shipping information in sales order email

The easiest way is to rewrite the Mage_Sales_Model_Order class in your own extension adding the function getShippingDescription which is called in the email template (see below) <td valign="top" styl …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
1 vote

Change "subtotal" label in Sales Order Email

There are several places where the "subtotal" translation can be found. I did a quick grep over the files in the app/locale/en_US to find them. find . -iname '*.csv' -exec grep -Hin '"subtotal"' {} \ …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
1 vote

Translating Currency Symbol in Transactional Emails

While nothing is impossible this will be a LOT of work, especially since you only want it in the emails. Prices generally come from included phtml files in the emails, you can find them by their handl …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
1 vote

email template file configuration

You will need to add some fields to the system.xml [...] <!-- sender --> <sender_email_identity translate="label"> <label>Email Sender</label> <frontend_type>select</frontend_type> <sourc …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
7 votes

Magento transactional email shows and old template even after styling it

Make sure the emails you've edited are choosen under System > Configuration > Sales > Sales Emails > [type of email] > [type of email] Email Template / [type of email] for guests Other emails like t …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
0 votes

Send Specific Email Depending On Payment Method (i.e. to include Bank Details)

create a new extension for this and use an observer to send the email. From the observer object parsed to the model that is your observer you can retrieve the order and from there the payment method. …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
1 vote

Create a picking list or send with an e-mail

If you want to build this yourself you would have to start out with building your own extension. There are a couple of nice tutorials on that here and here but it comes down to having an extension wit …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
1 vote

How can I customize the order confirmation based on payment method?

If I'm not mistaken (could be, was a while back since I changed something in payment methods) each payment method has a block class Info and a corresponding info.phtml template. For example, looking …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
6 votes

Transactional Emails modification

The emails are located in app/locale/[language]/email/. You can choose to edit them there or copy them to System > Transactional emails To copy them to transactional emails follow these steps In th …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
6 votes

Custom images in new Magento responsive e-mail header file

Getting image URLs is done with the following snippets: {{skin url="path/to/file.jpg" _area="frontend"}} or {{media url='path/to/file.jpg'}} More about this on this blogpost
Sander Mangel's user avatar
1 vote

New use account confirmation email change?

The template is located in app/locale/[language]/email/templates/account_new.html (or any of the other account_ emails you might want to change) Here you can search for the word "Password" and replac …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
2 votes

Custom Variable Plain Value in Email template

It is but it'll require some coding. In a nutshell this is how an email is sent $template = Mage::getModel('core/email_template')->loadDefault('[email identifier]'); …
Sander Mangel's user avatar
21 votes

Transactional e-mail: How to template 'sales_email_order_items' (or how to override adminhtm...

Actually it refers to a Layout XML handle you can find in the sales.xml file around line 268. There you can find the following tags <sales_email_order_items> <block type="sales/order_email_items …
Sander Mangel's user avatar

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