I'm trying to use REST API access. I followed all the guides found to enable the api and oauth functionalities. I'm using this code to retrieve the access and then make the request <?php class Vashi_Restapi_TestController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action { public function indexAction() { //Basic parameters that need to be provided for oAuth authentication //on Magento $params = array( 'siteUrl' => Mage::getBaseUrl().'/oauth', 'requestTokenUrl' => Mage::getBaseUrl().'/initiate', 'accessTokenUrl' => Mage::getBaseUrl().'/oauth/token', 'consumerKey' => '3157bsm22p5q80t7zcujfi9uzxafefic',//Consumer key registered in server administration 'consumerSecret' => 'zo22y43t1d63okihubfgkg39rdg3pjvl',//Consumer secret registered in server administration 'callbackUrl' => Mage::getBaseUrl().'/restapi/test/callback',//Url of callback action below ); // Initiate oAuth consumer with above parameters $consumer = new Zend_Oauth_Consumer($params); // Get request token $requestToken = $consumer->getRequestToken(); // Get session $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); // Save serialized request token object in session for later use $session->setRequestToken(serialize($requestToken)); // Redirect to authorize URL $consumer->redirect(); return; } public function callbackAction() { //oAuth parameters $params = array( 'siteUrl' => Mage::getBaseUrl().'/oauth', 'requestTokenUrl' => Mage::getBaseUrl().'/initiate', 'accessTokenUrl' => Mage::getBaseUrl().'/oauth/token', 'consumerKey' => '3157bsm22p5q80t7zcujfi9uzxafefic', 'consumerSecret' => 'zo22y43t1d63okihubfgkg39rdg3pjvl' ); // Get session $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session'); // Read and unserialize request token from session $requestToken = unserialize($session->getRequestToken()); // Initiate oAuth consumer $consumer = new Zend_Oauth_Consumer($params); // Using oAuth parameters and request Token we got, get access token $acessToken = $consumer->getAccessToken($_GET, $requestToken); // Get HTTP client from access token object $restClient = $acessToken->getHttpClient($params); // Set REST resource URL $restClient->setUri(Mage::getBaseUrl().'/api/rest/products'); // In Magento it is neccesary to set json or xml headers in order to work $restClient->setHeaders('Accept', 'application/json'); // Get method $restClient->setMethod(Zend_Http_Client::GET); //Make REST request $response = $restClient->request(); // Here we can see that response body contains json list of products Zend_Debug::dump($response); return; } } I tried also the admin, customers and guest access but the result is always: An error occurred. Your authorization request is invalid. It seems the oauth token is not being generated as the url I can see is: http://magentohost/oauth/authorize/?oauth_token=&oauth_callback=http%3A%2F%2Fmagentohost%2F%2Frestapi%2Ftest%2Fcallback Really struggling with it, any advice? thanks