Ya I was waiting for marius to answer this question. He did it as I expected. I need to mention one more thing along with his answer. You need to call that **"bad controller"** just above your controller definition. That is File :`Vendor/AdvancedStock/controllers/Adminhtml/YourcontrollernameController.php` <?php require_once(Mage::getModuleDir('controllers','MDN_AdvancedStock').DS.'ProductController.php'); class Vendor_AdvancedStock_Adminhtml_YourcontrollernameController extends MDN_AdvancedStock_Adminhtml_ProductControllerController { // some code } I told so because, as per my knowledge magento will not include the class that you are going to rewrite, if that class stands for a controller. For block rewrite, helper rewrite you may not require this step. Since magento will do that job for us.