I have a product with a custom attribute, which works fine almost everywhere I use it. However, when I try to get this attribute's value during the `catalog_product_get_final_price` event, I get `null` returned. Also, when I print the product's data, this attribute is not shown. Is there a logical reason for this? How can I retrieve the value of this attribute? --- I suspect that because this event is fired during the create/update of a quote item, not the original product data is used, but a snapshot of it's data. If that is the case; how might I make my attribute available in this snapshot as well? --- **UPDATE** When I debug the `$observer` object in the event observer, I get the following data; Varien_Event_Observer ( [_data:protected] => Array ( [event] => Varien_Event(...) [product] => Mage_Catalog_Model_Product(...) [qty] => 1 ) [_hasDataChanges:protected] => TRUE [_origData:protected] => NULL [_idFieldName:protected] => NULL [_underscoreCache:static:protected] => Array(...) [_isDeleted:protected] => FALSE [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array() [_syncFieldsMap:protected] => Array() )