I am trying to override `Magento\Eav\Api\Data\AttributeOptionInterface` in my custom module. I want to add one new option to existing interface.
The idea behind is, As of now we can only pass defined options data in attribute options **REST API**

**See below API request format for more clarity.**


    Url = http://test.com/index.php/rest/V1/products/attributes/manufacturer/options/
    Api Methodd - Post
    Api body - {
      "option": {
        "label": "test",
        "is_default": "true",

**As of now its passing 3 parameters as value, I want to add my custom 4th parameters Ex - Slider.**

So parameters should be 

      "option": {
        "label": "test",
        "is_default": "true",

**I have tried to override interface and its method but its giving property setter not defined**

**Error Message**

    "message": "Property \"Slider\" does not have corresponding setter in class \"Magento\\Eav\\Api\\Data\\AttributeOptionInterface\"."

So here my question is how can I override API interface and pass my custom or add my option in existing parameters.

Hope it makes sense, your help will be appreciated.