If you enabled one or more modules, then you will need to run Magento `setup:upgrade` to update the database schema.


If you write some upgrade schema then you have to fire Magento setup:upgrade` command

When do we need to run `setup:di:compile` command?

The answer is pretty simple This command fulfill the following purpose 


 1. Application code generation (factories, proxies, and so on)
 2. Area configuration aggregation (that is, optimized dependency injection configurations per area)
 3. Interceptor generation (that is, optimized code generation of interceptors)</li>
 4. Interception cache generation
 5. Repositories code generation (that is, generated code for APIs)
 6. Service data attributes generation (that is, generated extension classes for data objects)


> If your magento is on developer mode then you dont need to fire compile command just need to remove `var/di` and `generation` folder