I wanted to link from a cms block within a product page to its corresponding Amazon product which can be identified via a custom attribute called "asin". So I have put the link like `<a href="https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/{{block type="core/template" template="amz/asinlinkinject.phtml"}}">...</a>` and the idea was, that this injects the asin, stored in the repsective product... But what's happening; it replaces the {{...}} with something like "...ms_wysiwyg/directive/___directive/e3tibG9jayB0eXBlPSJjb..." after I exit HTML mode and go back in wisiwig.... So I guess I am doing something totaly wrong here. How could i get the asin in the link? {{block type="core/template" template="amz/asinlinkinject.phtml"}} which is doing <?php echo Mage::registry('current_product')->getasin(); ?> and it works fine as text outside the <a> tag