In Firefox the M1 Porto demo site has some JS Warnings which may be the culprit. A return is in the following method as well as subsequent code which could explain the difficult in finding the elements absolute position to scroll to on validation errors. /* * Different ways to find element's absolute position */ Calendar.getAbsolutePos = function(element) { var res = new Object(); res.x = 0; res.y = 0; // variant 1 (working best, copy-paste from prototype library) do { res.x += element.offsetLeft || 0; res.y += element.offsetTop || 0; element = element.offsetParent; if (element) { if (element.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'BODY') break; var p = Calendar.getStyle(element, 'position'); if ((p !== 'static') && (p !== 'relative')) break; } } while (element); return res; // <-- B00MER NOTE: this shouldn't be returning res here, return only AT end of method or some code can become unreachable by the browsers DOM implemenation. // variant 2 (good solution, but lost in IE8) if (element !== null) { res.x = element.offsetLeft; res.y = element.offsetTop; var offsetParent = element.offsetParent; var parentNode = element.parentNode; while (offsetParent !== null) { res.x += offsetParent.offsetLeft; res.y += offsetParent.offsetTop; if (offsetParent != document.body && offsetParent != document.documentElement) { res.x -= offsetParent.scrollLeft; res.y -= offsetParent.scrollTop; } //next lines are necessary to support FireFox problem with offsetParent if (Calendar.is_gecko) { while (offsetParent != parentNode && parentNode !== null) { res.x -= parentNode.scrollLeft; res.y -= parentNode.scrollTop; parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; } } parentNode = offsetParent.parentNode; offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent; } } return res; // variant 2 (not working) // var SL = 0, ST = 0; // var is_div = /^div$/i.test(el.tagName); // if (is_div && el.scrollLeft) // SL = el.scrollLeft; // if (is_div && el.scrollTop) // ST = el.scrollTop; // var r = { x: el.offsetLeft - SL, y: el.offsetTop - ST }; // if (el.offsetParent) { // var tmp = this.getAbsolutePos(el.offsetParent); // r.x += tmp.x; // r.y += tmp.y; // } // return r; }; **SEE INLINE COMMENT NOTE IN ABOVE CODE.** More details as to what could possibly be band-aids for other lesser browser version support that is breaking others. - > What went wrong? > > Unreachable code after a return statement might occur in these > situations: > > When using an expression after a return statement, or > when using a semicolon-less return statement but including an expression directly after. > > When an expression exists after a valid return statement, a warning is > given to indicate that the code after the return statement is > unreachable, meaning it can never be run. > > Why should I have semicolons after return statements? In the case of > semicolon-less return statements, it can be unclear whether the > developer intended to return the statement on the following line, or > to stop execution and return. The warning indicates that there is > ambiguity in the way the return statement is written. > > Warnings will not be shown for semicolon-less returns if these > statements follow it: > > throw > break > var > function Other code unreachable as well: reloadPrice: function(){ var price = 0; var oldPrice = 0; for(var i=this.settings.length-1;i>=0;i--){ var selected = this.settings[i].options[this.settings[i].selectedIndex]; if(selected.config){ price += parseFloat(selected.config.price); oldPrice += parseFloat(selected.config.oldPrice); } } optionsPrice.changePrice('config', {'price': price, 'oldPrice': oldPrice}); optionsPrice.reload(); return price; if($('product-price-'+this.config.productId)){ $('product-price-'+this.config.productId).innerHTML = price; } this.reloadOldPrice(); }, Also, it may help if known Browsers with issues & if any without? Ultimately best approach is to get support from the Porto authors to see if there is a fix and/or if others experience similar issues. Hope this helps!