Below are the few things I found which can help to reduce rejection/pass EQP process.

 1. Keep Your vendor name same as **Vendor Name** of your Marketplace account
 2. Create your extension with `developer` mode enabled
 3. Must have composer.json in root folder of extension Eg. **app/code/Vendor/Module/composer.json**" with correct configurations and dependencies
 4. Must have registration.php in root folder of extension Eg. **app/code/Vendor/Module/registration.php**"
 5. Do not use `$_REQUEST`, `$_POST`, `$_GET`, `$_FILE` directly
 6. Never end class file with ending php tag `?>`
 7. Check extension functionality with Magento compilation `php bin/magento setup:di:compile`
 8. Remove unnecessary code and comments
 9. Use spaces for indentation
 10. Check compatibility with `production` mode enabled
 11. Test with cache enabled and disabled
 12. Validate your package e.g. `php validate_m2_package.php`
 13. Check for code duplication [Refer][1]
 14. Check coding standard with `phpcs` E.g. `$ vendor/bin/phpcs /path/to/your/extension --standard=MEQP2 --severity=10`
 15. Do not use Magento logo in your documents or images
 16. Do not use "Product Box Image" as extension main image
 17. Add proper description for your extension functionality