Price is set at simple product level in Magento 2 (and configurable products will inherit the special price from simple products beneath it). The quickest way to do it correctly would be to use the REST API inside a script. This is the best way if you're a beginner - Magento has created this as an interface for external integration which should be used wherever possible.!/catalogProductRepositoryV1 The correct endpoint is catalogProductRepository's PUT /V1/products/{sku} - Note that you need to put the storeview code into the calling URL as described here. Otherwise if you have a test environment and are more confident with coding you can create your own script to update a lot quicker: Inside a class you'd have: protected $action; public function __construct(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Action $productAction) { $this->action = $productAction; } public function updatePrice($productId, $storeId, $data) { $this->action->updateAttributes($productId, $data, $storeId); } then to run it use the following; $specialPrice = ''; //or null, can't remember off the top of my head which clears it - perhaps either. $data = ['special_price' => $specialPrice]; $storeId = 1; //whatever store id you like $productIds = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; //whatever product ids you wish to change. $this->updatePrice($productIds, $data, $storeId); run for each store. Apologies for any mistakes, I am just typing by memory. Please run on a test environment first!