I am following Magento Commerce Cloud > [Docker development][1] > Launch Docker > [Developer mode][2] so that I can stay updated with the official Magento docker development. Working fine in MacOS for me. I have tested both Magento Commerce and Open Source. In order to work with Open Source version I had to do few tweaking while following [Developer mode][2]: 1. While you are done with the Step#1<blockquote>Download a Magento application template from the Magento Cloud repository.</blockquote> you should get a [composer.json][3] and a [composer.lock][4] in the directory. You will need to replace those two files with your preferable [composer.json][5] and [composer.lock][6] files if you like contributing to the Magento 2 Code Base. Or you may take a copy of those files generated during [installing Magento using Composer][7]. 2. In Step#5<blockquote> In your local environment, generate the Docker Compose configuration file. </blockquote> while running the following command you may get the `ece-docker` not found error: <blockquote> $ ./vendor/bin/ece-docker build:compose --mode="developer" --sync-engine="mutagen" --php 7.3 -bash: ./vendor/bin/ece-docker: No such file or directory </blockquote> In order to solve that you will need to add `magento/magento-cloud-docker`: $ composer require magento/magento-cloud-docker Now you should be able to build the configuration. You may need to edit the docker.compose.yml file to meet your needs. 3. In Step#10 <blockquote> Install Magento in your Docker environment </blockquote> you should encounter the following error: > Could not open input file: ./vendor/bin/ece-tools Solve that with $ composer require magento/ece-tools 4. Follow the rest of the steps accordingly. And you should be done. [1]: https://devdocs.magento.com/cloud/docker/docker-development.html [2]: https://devdocs.magento.com/cloud/docker/docker-mode-developer.html [3]: https://github.com/magento/magento-cloud/blob/master/composer.json [4]: https://github.com/magento/magento-cloud/blob/master/composer.lock [5]: https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/2.4-develop/composer.json [6]: https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/2.4-develop/composer.lock [7]: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/install-gde/composer.html