Information about the order you will get from the table `sales_flat_order` while information at order line level you find in `sales_flat_order_item`. To get informations at order level and at order line item you have to join both tables.

    select o.*, oi.* from sales_flat_order o
    join sales_flat_order_item oi on o.entity_id = oi.order_id where oi.parent_item_id is null and ....

With this statement you will get all information from both tables please adapt it however you need it. The condition `parent_item_id is null` is to avoid double listing configurale products, which are stored twice (one line for parent and one for the child).
Please note: you will get for each order as many rows as there are order lines.

If you need one row per order you have to add `group by oi.order_id` to your statement and `sum` before the numeric order_item columns you request in the statement.