I have configurable product.
I want append URL once I click on configurable option with query string on the product detail page. Like,
And also once it append in the URL and If we try to Reload page then  selected parameter will be selected after page load.

Here what I did. I am not sure is this proper flow for this requirement Or not.

    _OnClick: function ($this, $widget, eventName) {
            var $parent = $this.parents('.' + $widget.options.classes.attributeClass),
                $wrapper = $this.parents('.' + $widget.options.classes.attributeOptionsWrapper),
                $label = $parent.find('.' + $widget.options.classes.attributeSelectedOptionLabelClass),
                attributeId = $parent.attr('attribute-id'),
                $input = $parent.find('.' + $widget.options.classes.attributeInput);

            var color = $label.html();
            var size = $this.html();
            window.location.hash = '?size='+size+'&color='+color;