I'm trying to grab a product attribute in the cart template. But I just does not work! The attribute is set to Visible on Catalog Pages on Storefront = yes and Used in Product Listing = yes I use a custom module to override the following template: /vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/item/default.phtml I have the product: $_item = $block->getItem(); $product = $_item->getProduct(); Normally I would expect a custom attribute (of type text-area in this case) with an attribute code of 'sample_attr' to be available with one of these: $product->getData('sample_attr'); or $product->getSampleAttr(); Some attributes are available using this (sku, weight, price ..), but for a custom attribute neither works. The included helper (\Magento\Msrp\Helper\Data) also has no attribute method. I can get all attribute codes using: $attributes = $product->getAttributes(); foreach($attributes as $a) { var_dump($a->getName()); } I've also tried: $attribute = $product->getResource()->getAttribute('sample_attr'); var_dump($attribute->getFrontend()->getValue($product)); but this returns null. So how do I get the value of the attribute? I've tried these: http://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/4330/get-specific-attribute-for-each-product-on-catalog-page?rq=1 http://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/110402/output-custom-text-attribute-in-catalog-list-phtml-magento-2