I am trying to make a module to hide product types when tryng to create a new product. I have created the files as follows: app\etc\modules\Grando_Producttype.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <Grando_Producttype> <active>true</active> <codePool>local</codePool> </Grando_Producttype> app\code\local\Grando\Producttype\etc\config.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config> <modules> <Grando_Producttype> <version>1.0</version> </Grando_Producttype> </modules> <global> <models> <catalog> <rewrite> <product_type>Grando_Producttype_Model_Product_Type</product_type> </rewrite> </catalog> </models> </global> </config> app\code\local\Grando\Producttype\Model\Product\Type.php <?php class Grando_Producttype_Model_Product_Type extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type { static public function getOptionArray() { $options = array(); foreach(self::getTypes() as $typeId=>$type) { if($typeId == 'virtual'): $options[$typeId] = Mage::helper('catalog')->__($type['label']); endif; } return $options; } } This should be working good I think, but for some reason it is not loading and all products still show up and I have no idea why and can't find the reason. I am quite new to Magento. Is there any configuration I might be missing? I've already tryed to change my class name to `Grando_Producttype_Model_Product_Type` and no success... Cache is not activated, Any help will be appreciated! Thanks