Add Magento custom validation to a form field using adding a new rule using `$.validator.addMethod` using `$.validator.addMethod` we can **create number of custom rules and via class name we can access those custom rules**. so back to the question, need of question is without using calendar validate input fields like days/month/year. so assuming where you adding these days/month/year fields that wrap with form tag, In this form magento default validation added `data-mage-init='{"validation":{}}`' or via js. create all days/month/year fields under form or add below html code <div class="field date field-dob" data-mage-init='{ "Vendor_Module/js/custom-validation-dob":{ "day" : "[name=\"day\"]", "month" : "[name=\"month\"]", "year" : "[name=\"year\"]", "classPrefix": "custom-dob", "maxYearDiff": 150 } }'> <label class="label" for="dob"> <span><?= __('Your Birthday'); ?></span> </label> <div class="input-box customer-dob"> <div class="dob-day"> <label for="day"><?= __('DD'); ?></label> <input type="text" id="day" name="day" title="<?= __('Day'); ?>" class="input-text required-entry" autocomplete="off"> </div> <div class="dob-month"> <label for="month"><?= __('MM'); ?></label> <input type="text" id="month" name="month" title="<?= __('Month'); ?>" class="input-text required-entry" autocomplete="off"> </div> <div class="dob-year"> <label for="year"><?= __('YYYY'); ?></label> <input type="text" id="year" name="year" title="<?= __('Year'); ?>" class="input-text required-entry" autocomplete="off"> </div> </div> </div> **Alter or update the HTML as your need expect name attribute of input field. if need to modify name attribute too then do same change in** data-mage-init='{ "Vendor_Module/js/custom-validation-dob":{ "day" : "[name=\"day\"]", "month" : "[name=\"month\"]", "year" : "[name=\"year\"]", "classPrefix": "custom-dob", "maxYearDiff": 150 } }' **as well with respective fields.** Now create a js file `custom-validation-dob.js` under your module something like that `Vendor/Module/view/frontend/web/js/custom-validation-dob.js` the paste below js code define([ 'jquery', 'jquery/ui', 'jquery/validate', 'mage/translate' ], function($){ 'use strict'; var enterValueIsNumeric = function (input) { return (input - 0) == input && input.length > 0; } return function(config, element) { var dayObj = $(element).find( || '[name="day"]'); var monthObj = $(element).find(config.month || '[name="month"]'); var yearObj = $(element).find(config.year || '[name="year"]'); var classPrefix = config.classPrefix || 'custom'; var maxYearDiff = config.maxYearDiff || 100; // max limit for year gap $.validator.addMethod( classPrefix+"-day-validate", function(value, element) { var result = false, validatorObj = this, isElementOptional = this.optional(element), days = 31; // just to assume no value set on year and month fields var year = yearObj.val(); var month = monthObj.val(); var currentDateObj = new Date(); var maxMonth = currentDateObj.getMonth() + 1; var maxYear = currentDateObj.getFullYear(); var currentDay = currentDateObj.getDate(); var message = $.mage.__("Please enter valid day value in this field."); if(enterValueIsNumeric(value)) { if(year && month){ //Checks days in the specific month with year days = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); } result = days >= value; if(result && year == maxYear && month == maxMonth) { // for current year & month result = currentDay >= value; message = $.mage.__("Entered day value will be less then or equal to %1 that is current day because Entered Year and Month value respectively equal to current year and month value.").replace('%1', currentDay); } } if (!result) { validatorObj.customDayMessage = message; } return isElementOptional || result; }, function () { return this.customDayMessage; } ); $.validator.addMethod( classPrefix+"-month-validate", function(value, element) { var result = false, validatorObj = this, isElementOptional = this.optional(element); var year = yearObj.val(); var currentDateObj = new Date(); var maxMonth = currentDateObj.getMonth() + 1; var maxYear = currentDateObj.getFullYear(); var message = $.mage.__("Please enter valid month value in this field."); if(enterValueIsNumeric(value)) { result = ( value >= 1 && value <= 12); if(result && year == maxYear) { // For current year result = ( value <= maxMonth); message = $.mage.__("Entered month value will be less then or equal to %1 that is current month because Entered Year value is equal to current year value.").replace('%1', maxMonth); } } if (!result) { validatorObj.customMonthMessage = message; } return isElementOptional || result; }, function () { return this.customMonthMessage; } ); $.validator.addMethod( classPrefix+"-year-validate", function(value, element) { var result = false, validatorObj = this, isElementOptional = this.optional(element), prevDateObj = new Date(), currentDateObj = new Date(); prevDateObj.setFullYear(prevDateObj.getFullYear() - maxYearDiff); currentDateObj.setFullYear(currentDateObj.getFullYear()); var minYear = prevDateObj.getFullYear(); var maxYear = currentDateObj.getFullYear(); // because DOB value will be less then the current year var message = $.mage.__("Please enter valid year value in this field and year value will be in between %1 and %2").replace('%1', minYear).replace('%2', maxYear); if(enterValueIsNumeric(value)) { result = (value.length == 4 && value >= minYear && value <= maxYear ); // always be year value in 4 digit } if (!result) { validatorObj.customYearMessage = message; } return isElementOptional || result; }, function () { return this.customYearMessage; } ); // binding class with respective element to apply validation rule properly. dayObj.addClass(classPrefix+"-day-validate"); monthObj.addClass(classPrefix+"-month-validate"); yearObj.addClass(classPrefix+"-year-validate"); } }); using these 2 code set, first html markup and second magento custom js will help to **validate calendar like function**. and these rules are linked also so proper validation come in picture hope this will match all you expectation mention in question. ## Add on - For future reuse of this custom js with valid name instead of full path, **alias the js path with a good name**. So create a requirejs config file `requirejs-config.js` in your module `Vendor/Module/view/frontend/requirejs-config.js` if not exist and add below code var config = { "map": { "*": { "customValidationForDMY": "Vendor_Module/js/custom-validation-dob" // D = Day,M = Month, Y = Year } } }; then in above mention html code update data-mage-init='{ "Vendor_Module/js/custom-validation-dob":{ "day" : "[name=\"day\"]", "month" : "[name=\"month\"]", "year" : "[name=\"year\"]", "classPrefix": "custom-dob", "maxYearDiff": 150 } }' with data-mage-init='{ "customValidationForDMY":{ "day" : "[name=\"day\"]", "month" : "[name=\"month\"]", "year" : "[name=\"year\"]", "classPrefix": "custom-dob", "maxYearDiff": 150 } }' In given sample I used **Vendor_Module**, In your case this will be change with your respective module name. Any help will be appreciated.