**For example the images address on frontend website show this:** https://takoda.shop/pub/media/logo/default/170xNxTakoda_met_Tijger_O_logo_kleuren_nieuw.png.pagespeed.ic._LOWhFVaw2.webp **It adds at the end:** pagespeed.ic._LOWhFVaw2.webp Never consciously changed anything by purpose This causes possibly that some images **on mobile view are not showing** That is probably the reason > Only how to turn that off or fix this? You find on google that it could be google pagespeed module, this module is not in the config.php file > Anyone got any clue what this could be and how to turn it off? *It can conflict with lazy load* **The frontend is:** [www.takoda.shop][1] [1]: https://www.takoda.shop