Here is the solution, remove it's 'module' completely altogether from the system without any tweaking: 

1) Go to the command line, where Magento is.

2) run: 

> php bin/magento module:uninstall Magento_LayeredNavigation

3) Confirm (Yes, Yes,... )

4) Remove the old cache/and generated content: 

> rm -rf var/cache/* pub/static/frontend generated/code/*  

5) Re-Index:

> php bin/magento index:reindex

6) Clear the cache: 

> php bin/magento  index:reindex

4) If needed, clear the cache and refresh. 


if you miss it, and want it back, or if removing causes problems, then re-enable it using: 

    php bin/magento module:enable Magento_LayeredNavigation

I hope this helps.
