I have a custom admin module where I want to programatically create and share a wishlist. I managed to create it programatically and to send the email (it arrives ok), but the "$wishlistBlock" and therefore, the email is empty. I'm not such advanced in Magento yet, do I have to rewrite the model/modelresource/block or something like to get it working in my custom module? Tried a lot of different things, none worked. This is the offending piece of code: $emailModel = Mage::getModel('core/email_template'); $sharingCode = $wishlist->getSharingCode(); //this var returning empty $wishlistBlock = Mage::getSingleton('core/layout')->createBlock('wishlist/share_email_items')->toHtml(); $emailModel->sendTransactional( Mage::getStoreConfig('wishlist/email/email_template'), Mage::getStoreConfig('wishlist/email/email_identity'), $email, null, array( 'customer' => $customer, 'salable' => $wishlist->isSalable() ? 'yes' : '', 'items' => $wishlistBlock, 'addAllLink' => Mage::getUrl('*/shared/allcart', array('code' => $sharingCode)), 'viewOnSiteLink' => Mage::getUrl('*/shared/index', array('code' => $sharingCode)), 'message' => $message ) ); $wishlist->setShared(1); $wishlist->save(); Mage::dispatchEvent('wishlist_share', array('wishlist' => $wishlist)); Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->addSuccess( $this->__('Your Wishlist has been shared.') ); Thanks in advance.