I'm running a Magento EE 1.12.2 (equally in CE 1.7.2) where we have Redis for caching (*Cm_Cache extension, Redis v 2.2.12*), but we use Memcache for session storage. Redis is not supported out of the box on these Magento versions. So my concern here is: - Is it worth the hassle to get session storage into Redis in terms of effort vs. speed improvement? - Isn't Memcache just as good or maybe even better? In this project we have large session files as we need to store third-party XML files into the session, so optimizing session read and writes can have a considerable impact. From `local.xml`: <session_save><![CDATA[memcache]]></session_save> And: <cache> <backend>Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis</backend> [...] </cache>