I'm trying to restore a coupon for a especific customer, I know their id and the coupon code. 

My code is:

    $customerId = 98080;
    $coupon = Mage::getModel('salesrule/coupon')->load('test-it', 'code');
    $timesUsed = $coupon->getTimesUsed();
    $write = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write');
    $query = "UPDATE salesrule_coupon_usage SET times_used = times_used-1 WHERE customer_id='".$customerId."' AND coupon_id='".$coupon->getId()."'";
    $result = $write->query($query);
    if ($customerCoupon = Mage::getModel('salesrule/rule_customer')->loadByCustomerRule($customerId, $coupon->getRuleId())) {

And apparently all is working fine, I check the customer in the database and he doesn't have the discount assigned:

    SELECT group_concat(distinct sfo.coupon_code) FROM sales_flat_order sfo
    WHERE coupon_code IS NOT NULL
    AND customer_email='[email protected]'
    GROUP BY customer_email;
    // group_concat(distinct sfo.coupon_code) == 0,one-discount,another
And in the code table:

    SELECT coupon_code, count(coupon_code) FROM sales_flat_order
    WHERE coupon_code ='test-it4'
    GROUP BY coupon_code;
    //Empty set

At first all goes well, I can use the code again, but in the last step of the checkout I have the next message:

"There was an error processing your order. Please contact us or try again later."

I don't know why, the logs don't show nothing