I would suggest you to achieve this from observer.

This event `checkout_cart_product_add_after` should help you.

You will need to create a simple extension to fire this event.

In your config.xml have this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Now, your NameSpace/ModuleName/Model/Observer.php

    class NameSpace_ModuleName_Model_Observer
        public function updateQty(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
           $item = $observer->getEvent()->getQuoteItem();
              $x= $item->getQty();
              $minValue = 8;
              if ($x>= $minValue) { 
                 Mage::log('Proceed with number: '.$x, null, 'custom-log.log'); //check in var/log folder  after product adding to cart
              else {
              $x = 8;
                 Mage::log('Minimum number is: '.$x, null, 'custom-log.log');

Check if file `custom-log.log` is created in `var/log` folder after you add product to cart. If it is then your event is firing.

Hope this helps.