Every time I re-index the table catalogsearch_fulltext_scope1 gets emptied. Since the table is empty we're unable to search product names or descriptions on the front end. All search results come up with no results.

If we use advanced search SKU and custom Attributes work.

If I add a manual entry into catalogsearch_fulltext_scope1 then it is searchable. As soon as the site is re-indexed it empties the table.

The server did crash (due to host having issues) and it's been happening every since.

No errors running re-index and no errors in any of the logs.

As far as Magento is concerned it thinks it's all working, but something is stopping the catalogsearch_fulltext_scope1 table from filling up with entries.

Which means search on the front end doesn't work at all. It's strange that SKU still works in advanced search.

Has anybody faced this issue before? 

Magento 2.2.1, 600 odd products, MariaDB, standard MySQL search

Everything was working fine pre-crash.