I've got the following left join in my `_prepareCollection();` method:

            array('views_index' => "my_views_table"),
            'views_index.entity_id = main_table.entity_id',

And then in my `_prepareColumns()` method I have:

                'header'=> $this->__('Views'),
                'index' => 'views',
                'width' => '5%',
                'filter_index'  => 'views_index.count'

When I load this page though, I get an error:

> Item (Namespace_Module_Model_Mymodel) with the same
> id "{ID}" already exist

How is this conflict occurring?

Some background: [Magento Custom Grid Redirect Error (On Join Attributes ONLY)][1]

Would appreciate any help

**Edit 1** The `my_views_table` consists of 3 columns, namely:

1. id (primary key)
2. entity_id
3. count

  [1]: http://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/33943/magento-custom-grid-redirect-error-on-join-attributes-only