Below are the few things I found which can help to reduce rejection/pass EQP process. 1. Keep Your vendor name same as **Vendor Name** of your Marketplace account 2. Create your extension with `developer` mode enabled 3. Must have composer.json in root folder of extension Eg. **app/code/Vendor/Module/composer.json**" with correct configurations and dependencies 4. Must have registration.php in root folder of extension Eg. **app/code/Vendor/Module/registration.php**" 5. Do not use `$_REQUEST`, `$_POST`, `$_GET`, `$_FILE` directly 6. Never end class file with ending php tag `?>` 7. Check extension functionality with Magento compilation `php bin/magento setup:di:compile` 8. Remove unnecessary code and comments 9. Use spaces for indentation 10. Check compatibility with `production` mode enabled 11. Test with cache enabled and disabled 12. Validate your package e.g. `php validate_m2_package.php` 13. Check for code duplication [Refer][1] 14. Check coding standard with `phpcs` E.g. `$ vendor/bin/phpcs /path/to/your/extension --standard=MEQP2 --severity=10` 15. Do not use Magento logo in your documents or images 16. Do not use "Product Box Image" as extension main image 17. Add proper description for your extension functionality Keeping the practice of following above standards will surely improve extension quality. [1]: