I am trying to override AttributeOptionInterface
in my custom module
The idea behind is as of now we can only pass defined options data in attribute option rest api
See below api request format for more clarity.
Url = http://test.com/index.php/rest/V1/products/attributes/manufacturer/options/
Api Methodd - Post
Api body - {
"option": {
"label": "test",
"is_default": "true",
As of now its passing 3 parameters as value , i want to add my custom 4th parameters Slider.
So parameters should be
"option": {
"label": "test",
"is_default": "true",
I have tried to override interface and its method but its giving propert setter not defined
So here my question is how can i override api interface and pass my custom or add my option in existing parameters.
Hope it make sense , your help will be appriciated.