It is possible thru rewrite or observer: (observer is better to prevent rewrite conflicts)

### Using Observer ###

Configure your 2 observers: loading the column to grid and loading of collection


Then create your observer class with the methods in the declaration 

    class {Namespace}_{Module}_Model_Observer
        public function beforeBlockToHtml(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
            $grid = $observer->getBlock();

             * Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Customer_Grid
            if ($grid instanceof Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Customer_Grid) {
                        'header' => Mage::helper('{Module}_customer')->__('{{column_name}}'),
                        'index'  => '{column_code}'

        public function beforeCollectionLoad(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
            $collection = $observer->getCollection();
            if (!isset($collection)) {

             * Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Customer_Collection
            if ($collection instanceof Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Customer_Collection) {
                /* @var $collection Mage_Customer_Model_Resource_Customer_Collection */

See this answer:

### Using Rewrite ###

Rewrite the grid block's `_prepareCollection` method and add your column to the collection.

See this answer: