The most likely cause of this behavior is the `_beforeDelete` method in `\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Category`, specifically this line:


This will run `processDelete()` within `\Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Category\AggregateCount`, which decreases *children_count* for all parent categories via:

    $data = ['children_count' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('children_count - ' . $childDecrease)];
    $where = ['entity_id IN(?)' => $parentIds];
    $resourceModel->getConnection()->update($resourceModel->getEntityTable(), $data, $where);

However, it is weird that you end up with a negative number here, since the children_count should increase when you first assign a category as a child. It could be that your custom code never increments the value in the first place, so definitely debug this, you may be doing something which is not "the Magento way". Since I do not know what your code looks like, I cannot say for sure, but definitely have a look at the core logic of the class I mentioned above.

You should fix the value manually after you have figured out what the problem was just to be on the safe side.