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Magento2 add a cms page link to menu

I have added CMS page link to the top menu by following the below tutorial: Since one of the custom menu items would be Home, so it ...
Mohit Kumar Arora's user avatar
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Topmenu add extra elements

I am trying to add the category description in the main navigation dropdown for the level 1 child and for level 2 I want to display as a list the product names, so far, I have made a plugin Vendor\...
Vlad Patru's user avatar
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4 votes
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magento2.2 override topmenu.php: _addSubMenu()

I am trying to override the Topmenu Module Block but I can not understand why it fails. I am trying to override the following method: magento/module-theme/Block/Html/Topmenu.php:_addSubMenu(...) I ...
user2447482's user avatar
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Where is the JS file located to change the aria-expanded=true in Magento 2

I'm new to Magento 2.2... I need to output submenu under a top menu dropdown with three columns. The base Luma theme shows single column for dropdown menu. I have done the change in the code /app/...
Dev's user avatar
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