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Message: The "CategorySearchResultInterface" class doesn't exist and the namespace must be specified. Verify and try again

Customer using Magento (Cloud Enterprise Edition) 2.4.5.Third party app calling API using Access Token. Error message returned by Magento is "The "CategorySearchResultInterface" class ...
radar's user avatar
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Magento 2.4.5 when I try to call Soap API programmatically, then I get an error

Error : SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '' : failed to load external entity "" Here is code: <...
Anil Makwana's user avatar
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Magento 2 how to get order information using soap api

I want to get order information using soap API $wsdlUrl = ''; $serviceArgs = array('searchCriteria' => array('...
Pawankumar's user avatar
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Magento 2 integration with External System via API

I'm currently in process of creating a Magento 2 module that will handle and pull product data from external system into Magneto database using API requests (SOAP and REST) Any guide or module ...
K Kazadi's user avatar
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What is the expected speed of Magento 1.9 SOAP API v2 when listing all products?

We have a Magento 1.9 site and a remote script that retrieves a listing of all products in the system via Magento's v2 SOAP API. This is working at approximately 2,500 products per minute. For a ...
Chris's user avatar
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Test all soap endpoint api with Wizdler chrome extenssion

We can check rest api with all the parameter detail from swagger so I would be highly appreciated if you guys have tested SOAP api with any tool then please guide me. I have installed Wizdler chrome ...
Zahirabbas's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.5 - API error The "array" class doesn't exist and the namespace must be specified

We get the following API error on our Magento 2.3.5 store; The "array" class doesn't exist and the namespace must be specified. Verify and try again. More info; <![CDATA[#0 /vendor/...
JGeer's user avatar
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Get shipments by order number in Magento 1.9 API

I am trying to get the list of shipments for a given order via the API (I use the SOAP API but I don't think it matters). I don't have the order ID but the 9-digit number (the increment_id from the ...
Xavier Poinas's user avatar
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magento 1.9 soap api xml call to update product custom attribute

I am working on to update product msrp. Below code working for me: $sku = 'AMC-2.0-10'; $update_data = array ( 'additional_attributes' => array ( 'single_data' => array ( ...
Seefan's user avatar
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How can I get vat_id via SOAP without additional modifications?

I understand that, by default, Magento doesn't expose the vat_id field via SOAP. The accepted answer there is to edit the core/add a module. Unfortunately, I don't have such luxury because I don't ...
Dr. Gianluigi Zane Zanettini's user avatar
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How to add filter to custom API?

I have created a custom API taking help from here. Now i want to add filter to this API. Like if i want to get products filtered with some specific sku. How can i do that? thanks
Seefan's user avatar
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How do I call the Magento API SOAP V2 with multiple complex filters to the same field?

How do I call the Magento API SOAP V2 with multiple complex filters to the same field? In my case I use the salesOrderList function. This source code does not work: $params = array(array( '...
Chris's user avatar
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How to use the null- or notnull-operator with (complex) filter in Magento (1.9) API SOAP v2

For example: sales_order_list api function filter operators Possible solutions: value = "notnull" value = "" value = null value = "true" value = "1" use simple filter anything else?!?! Who knows?
Chris's user avatar
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SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL in M 2.2.*

I am facing following issue at my local environment I tried every solution available on internet but unable to fix this issue. I am using LAMP PHP 7.1.28-1+ubuntu18.04, Apache/2.4.39 I had created ...
Hassan Ali Shahzad's user avatar
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How to return array value in magento soap API wsi.xml?

I have created a file wsi.xml in magento 1.9 soap API. It is returning empty object. I have provided the array value for the response function. But showing empty value. <?xml version="1.0" ...
user78358's user avatar
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How to create custom api with parameters in magento1?

How to create custom api with multiple parameters passed in the api call file in magento1. I have added the code in request call. But it is not working. Thanks in advance wsdl.xml file <?xml ...
user78358's user avatar
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Magento 1: Can modify response as XML of wsdl SOAP v2?

Can get the response of wsdl SOAP v2 as required formate XML? I Want to require formate XML response. $proxy = new SoapClient('http://my_host/api/v2_soap/?wsdl', array('trace' => 1)); $sessionId =...
R P's user avatar
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How to send Requests from Magento Soap Api to Firebase cloud messaging?

How to send notifications created in magento to Firebase Cloud messaging using soap API. Is there any curl method needs to be created for the message needs to be pushed into the Firebase like the ...
user78358's user avatar
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Magento1.9: How can i add image of product using soap api

i have use this code: $proxy = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/api/soap/?wsdl'); $sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey'); $productId = 2; $file = array( 'content' => '/9j/...
Hafiz Arslan's user avatar
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Magento1.9 : How can I GetWebProducts using Soap Api?

I have this type of WebService How can I get products detail using Magento 1.9, kindly explain me in detail that how can I get data using this Webservice. If someone can list down the step how can I ...
Hafiz Arslan's user avatar
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Magento 1.x API

In an integration with Magento 1.x SOAP v2 API through WSDL I've encontered many agencies with different Magento versions and WSDL files. The worst case scenario is when the "communication interface" ...
Luiz Carlos M. Jr.'s user avatar
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Magetno 2 get soap api as a xml format

Below is soaporderapi.php created root folder.It is working fine getting order responce but i need to show responce as xml format <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ...
Pawankumar's user avatar
8 votes
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Soap API - How to get request by Limit 10 based on pagination?

I am getting products list using catalogProductList, its taking too long time to return the values(see screenshot) actually my products count is 24K, how can i run by using limit 10 and if i click ...
zus's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to get Magento Product List using Soap V2 at CodeIgniter?

If I try with below code, <?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Live_stock extends CI_Controller { public function index() { //$this->...
zus's user avatar
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Magento 2 add custome attribute to soap api in order list

I have created one custom fee attribute for order i need to add this attribute to soap api can any one tell me
Pawankumar's user avatar
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First steps of creating API integration with Magento2.3

background: I'm new to Magento as I haven't used it before, but I've read through most of the API documentation now. I have an online dashboard application with various widgets that are different API ...
Derek Joseph Olson's user avatar
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soap api is not working in magento 1.9

I am trying to get products using soap api. But I am getting below error: Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '
Vinod Kumar's user avatar
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Remove index.php from API url request

I need to remove index.php from the URL requests to the API. Currently API calls only work as the following... /index.php/api/v2_soap/?wsdl I need it to load as /api/v2_soap/?wsdl Can any one give ...
snowliondev's user avatar
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Soap is not working in magento 1.9?

I am getting an error when using soap API: Couldn't load from '' : failed to load external entity "
Vinod Kumar's user avatar
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HELP - How to convert Default SOAP-v2 API Magento Objects into XML Values?

In Magento1.9 - product collection by default return values as Magento Objects using soap v2, how can i change into XML, <?php ini_set('display_errors','On'); $proxy = new SoapClient('
zus's user avatar
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soap product quantity not updating return exceptions

In magento1.9 - I am trying to update product quantity using soap but it return error here is my code public function update($data){ //return $data->sku; $_sku = $data->sku; $...
Shubhajay Das's user avatar
2 votes
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How to solve Soap_V2 - Uncaught SoapFault exception looks like we got no XML document - SoapClient->__call('login', Array)?

After configuration SOAP_v2 for getting products info, Magento version : Code: <?php $proxy = new SoapClient(''); $sessionId = $proxy->login((object)array('...
zus's user avatar
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Update Tier Prices via SOAP API

I want to update some tier prices of a product based on a calculation I run. Basically it is printing costs, depending on a price per page, compared to some fixed prices. I am using the following ...
flomei's user avatar
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Create customer using magento Soap API

I am trying to create new customer using magento soap api , here is my code : $client = new SoapClient(''); `$session = $client->login('...
Hanane's user avatar
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Magento 2 SOAP API setSpecialPrice

I am using Postman to post special-price but it's with REST API like so: Post URL: http://magento2/rest/V1/products/special-price Payload: { "prices": [ { "price": 50.00, "store_id": 0, "...
Juliano Vargas's user avatar
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If we can access data by using simple http request ,then why to use rest or soap api or curl?

I am accessing database using simple http request and use it on another interface.for example api's for Andriod or iphone .Even simple http request and method created in mage functionality without ...
Anil Thakur's user avatar
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Disable WS-I magento 2

Can WS-I be disabled for Magento 2 (v2.1.6). It's blocking an API connection to a third party shipping portal (Royal Mail Click and Drop). Any help would be most appreciated.
williampatey's user avatar
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Soap Connection

I'm trying to create a Soap connection. The error I'm getting is: SOAP Fault: (faultcode: Client faultstring: looks like we got no XML document) I have my code below. Any suggestions of where to ...
Tom's user avatar
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SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from URL Failed to load External Entity

I'm trying to get all products in $productArrarray from magento 2 API via SOAP client. I tried the below function but it throws this error: Error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from '...
Iftikhar uddin's user avatar
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How to develop a SOAP API as a guest user

I am trying to developing a SOAP API. For first I created a module like this app\code\MyVendor\MyModule in which I created etc\module.xml, etc\webapi.xml and etc\di.xml. Then I created my API ...
Giulio Savoca's user avatar
4 votes
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Magento SOAP Fault "Invalid XML"

When i try to access It always gives <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP- ENV=""> <SOAP-...
Radhu's user avatar
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How to use Postman with Magento 1.9 SOAP API

I can't find a good example anywhere of how to use postman application for testing the Magento 1.9 SOAP Api. The REST Api is not enough for my needs. I have tried a POST request using https://example....
Martin Thompson's user avatar
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magento 1.9: How should I use Magento's API

I am implementing a program that communicates with magento 1.9 using JavaScript. We only need to obtain the product information on the system and display it. Does not operate the database (for example:...
Calvin's user avatar
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Magento 1: API SOAP V2 created configurable product with associated simples

Description: I need help with the creation of a configurable products with Magento SOAP API V2. My problem is: I managed to create the configurable product, but there aren't any simple associated ...
alberto pallotto's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 the changes in core/Mage/Sales/wsdl.xml not working?

I have changed directly the core sales/wsdl.xml and wsi.xml files to add a custom column value in order_info and order_list of SOAP API V2 but it doesn't appear, Please help me. I am stuck.
Radhu's user avatar
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Magento SOAP API add a custom column value to the salesOrderInfo and salesOrderList

I have added a column 'leadsource' in 'sales_flat_order'. I have to pull this in api . Please help.
Radhu's user avatar
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API: How to add the prefix field to shipping and billing address?

On Magento 1.9, I need to add the field prefix to the shipping_address and billing_address nodes in the response of salesOrderInfo (soap-api-v2). I tried by adding the following: app/code/core/Mage/...
gpaddis's user avatar
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What is the best way to import/create products , customers and orders in magento 2.x

I have a third party Soap API, I have to create products, customers, orders and other related data in Magento 2.x. periodically like every 24 hours. There are around 15k products and orders. What i ...
inrsaurabh's user avatar
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Switch off WS-I Compliance, Magento 2 Opensource

Does anyone know how I could switch off WS-I compliance for a Magento 2 website, or even if it is possible? Trying to connect to a shipping API (Royal Mail Click and Drop) and they say WS-I ...
Chris Graham's user avatar
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SOAP V2 : catalog_category.tree Not Working on Localhost

Configuration : Code: <?php $proxy = new SoapClient(''); // TODO : change url $sessionId = $proxy->login('cat', 'welcome'); // TODO : change login and ...
zus's user avatar
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