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Magento 2 Enterprise : Get Coupon code Expiration Date

I am using Magento 2.2.5 Enterprise Edition. I'm created cart price rule from admin. Now I want to display coupon expiration date in front-end but in enterprise edition start/end date is saving by ...
Sneha Panchal's user avatar
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Magento2: Apply coupon code to regular price not to special price

When applying a coupon, it gives a discount to final price (special price if set). How to make modification that discount would apply only to regular prices (before the previous discount). Note: I ...
Gediminas's user avatar
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Check if coupon code is valid by using customer id and product id

How to check if a coupon code is valid if i only have customer id and product id data? and how to get this coupon sales-rule data?
Tiny Dancer's user avatar
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Shopping Cart Price Rule Magento 1.9.2

Want to know how we can Set Shopping Cart Price Rule in Magento 1.9.2 for specific Category? i have 1 product which is under multiple categories but i only want to put Condition on One Particular ...
Crumby's user avatar
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Magento 2.2 Programatically apply coupon code

How can i apply coupon code programatically in magento 2 using cart id. Thanks.
christy's user avatar
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Magento 2: Percent coupon with discount amount limit

I want to give customers a 10% discount coupon but I want to enforce a discount amount limit, that is that the maximum discount amount is $250. Is there a way to limit this using a coupon?
Stephanie's user avatar
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Magento 2 : Apply Cart Rule to Base Price not Special Price

Good Day, Mates! I am using Magento 2.4.x and try to change its cart price rule mode, I simply want to calculate all discounts (percentage or fixed amount) on Base Price. For example, If a product has ...
Khaled Bin Amir's user avatar
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magento 2 apply default discount code

I am working on magento 2.3.0 and checkout is working fine with discount. I have created discount code named 95TEST which discount 95% on order total. Now, Every time when customer redirect to ...
Hiren Shah's user avatar
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coupon code restrict for only some associated products in magento 1.9.0

I want restrict coupon code some associate products I have one configurable product it have 25 simple products(associate products) i have create coupon code to apply only 5 simple product if i add ...
Pawankumar's user avatar
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Magento2 without cart price rule how to add a custom coupon code

In to Magento 2.2.2 site. I want to give different price coupon code to the customers. How to create coupon code programmatically if i create cart price rule then cart price rule is many created. ...
Hardik Makwana's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 Coupon code applied but subtotal, grand total and withdiscount totals not updating in quotes/carts

I m facing strange issue as follows: I have created one shopping cart rule - with 10% on every product and to all customer groups. Conditions and Actions applied for all the products. When i add ...
sandip's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 Shopping Cart Price Rule apply issue

I'm struggling with an issue regarding the Shopping Cart Price Rules. I've created a rule with a single coupon and the only condition is Subtotal is equal or greater than 65,50. When I'm using this ...
FreshHaze's user avatar
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Multiple users are using single coupon simultaneously

I have created one shopping cart rule with uses per coupon "1" and uses per customer "1". For example, if user A adds product in cart and apply "COUPON01" on cart page. Also user B adds product in ...
Gobinda Bhatia's user avatar
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Magento Coupon codes although deleted already, doesn't allow to create coupon with same code again

I am not sure if it's some kind of core-logic(unknown to me) or a bug maybe, but even though I have already deleted a coupon-code rule from "Shopping Cart Price Rules", when I search in the "...
H.D.'s user avatar
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Magento Custom coupon for subtotal

I need to have 2 value caps in coupon: Minimum cart value If the coupon offer is a % off then we should have the facility to capture the maximum discount that can be passed to customer Example: ...
Vikas Patil's user avatar
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Magento 2 coupon code shows 1 Times used in admin but it is not showing in any orders

We are currently using Magento version 2.4.5-p1. We've encountered an issue with the Magento cart price rule with coupon codes. The problem is as follows: 1 - In the Magento admin panel -> Cart ...
sumeet bajaj's user avatar
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How to get from_date and to_date of cart_rule and catelog_rule in magento 2?

I'm writing a before plugin and i need to get from_date and to_date of cart_rule and catelog_rule in my plugin code namespace Vendor\CouponBeforePlugin\Plugin; use Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Item\...
Midhun M's user avatar
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Magento 2 coupon code is not used but it is show used on admin

Magento version 2.4.5-p1. In the Magento cart price rule, the coupon code is shown as marked on admin but it is not used from the frontend, and also coupon code is not visible when we checked from ...
sumeet bajaj's user avatar
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Magento 2.3.1 Is there a way to apply discount to only 2nd product added to cart?

We want to achieve or to have below discount rule. Please let us know if it is possible or it can be achieved through any plugin. There are 3 SKU's A, B, C. User added SKU A to the cart. The user will ...
vishal's user avatar
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Magento 2: Cart price rule conditions not working

I have created a cart price rule with coupon code. The condition should be that the code should be applied for all categories except a few categories like this: I don't know why but this is not ...
mechanic's user avatar
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I need to exclude certain products from a general discount

I have a discount that subtracts 50 from the every total amount in the cart that's above 250. I did it in the cart rule using this method: How do I exclude certain products from this cart rule? ...
Tal's user avatar
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Magento 2 Same Coupon code with different Actions

I am having 3 types of Category C1,C2 and C3. In every category there are products. 1) C1 has P1,P2 and P3 (Each P cost $38) 2) C2 has P4, P5 and P6 (Each P cost $58) 3) C3 has P7 and P8 (Each P ...
Avesh Naik's user avatar
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Adding discount for whole cart

I would like to create a coupon with following conditions: - There are special products for which the coupon is valid - For the first article, you get 10% - If you buy the second article you get ...
Florentine's user avatar
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Coupon code discount prirority issue in magento 2

I create 2 coupon codes : coupontest1 which have the discount 50$ and priority 0, and coupontest2 which have the discount 40$ and the priority 10. Now if a apply the first coupon code with ...
Alin Lupoiu's user avatar
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How do i delete auto-generated coupon codes in magento?

I would like to delete auto-generated coupon codes under shopping cart price rules in magento through script. can anyone please help me on this.
Kumar's user avatar
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Shopping Cart Rule on Non sale items

I need to be able to apply 20% off just the non exclusion items in the cart. Can someone please share their knowledge on how to set this up. My Coupon Description: 20% OFF PURCHASE with Coupon Code. ...
Kelley's user avatar
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Coupon Code for First Time user in magento 2.1

I have override the file - Magento-Checkout- Controller-Cart-CouponPost , Using orderCount of the particular customer to check whether its new user or old , but no clue whereto put the condition.
supriya mishra's user avatar
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Shopping cart rules: Autogenerated unique codes, applicable to any product with different discounts

I need to generate a number of unique coupon codes. Any of those coupon codes could be used for any of the products. The problem is that different products need to get different discounts. Seems to ...
Rimšiakas's user avatar
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Magento- Create a product, such that no existing coupons is valid for that product

I have around custom coupon codes generated for various type of offers and free shipment. All my products are given a price and reduced price to buy for the user. And further discounts are applicable ...
phoenixmagento's user avatar
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Validate Shopping cart rule with custom from and to date EE 1.14

I have created custom from and to dates to validate the shopping cart rule coupons. For this I have overridden the Mage_SalesRule_Model_Mysql4_Rule_Collection setValidationFilter(). protected ...
Franc's user avatar
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