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Magento 2: Percent coupon with discount amount limit

I want to give customers a 10% discount coupon but I want to enforce a discount amount limit, that is that the maximum discount amount is $250. Is there a way to limit this using a coupon?
Stephanie's user avatar
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magento 2 apply default discount code

I am working on magento 2.3.0 and checkout is working fine with discount. I have created discount code named 95TEST which discount 95% on order total. Now, Every time when customer redirect to ...
Hiren Shah's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 Coupon code applied but subtotal, grand total and withdiscount totals not updating in quotes/carts

I m facing strange issue as follows: I have created one shopping cart rule - with 10% on every product and to all customer groups. Conditions and Actions applied for all the products. When i add ...
sandip's user avatar
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Adding discount for whole cart

I would like to create a coupon with following conditions: - There are special products for which the coupon is valid - For the first article, you get 10% - If you buy the second article you get ...
Florentine's user avatar
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Coupon code discount prirority issue in magento 2

I create 2 coupon codes : coupontest1 which have the discount 50$ and priority 0, and coupontest2 which have the discount 40$ and the priority 10. Now if a apply the first coupon code with ...
Alin Lupoiu's user avatar
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