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Magento 2 compiling SCSS using Gulp

Currently, our development build uses gulp styles to compile stylesheets for the theme, I've installed it a dozen times but after I attempted to install it today I keep getting stuck on the message ...
fuziion_dev's user avatar
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Which css format is best for Magento 2 theme?

I am aware that Magento 2 uses Less CSS Format, I have just one daught what if I am use Sass CSS? Can anyone please answer below questions. What if I am using a simple CSS format? What are the ...
Sanjay Gohil's user avatar
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Magento 2 Generate static files without gulp

Has anyone tried to generate static sass files without gulp? I want to do the same as when I execute the following commands... gulp deploy --theme Namespace/Theme gulp sass --theme Namespace/Theme ...
Miguel Angel Espinosa García's user avatar
3 votes
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Magento 2.0 - SASS and Bootstrap

Is anybody aware of a Magento 2 theme based on SASS and Bootstrap 3 or 4? I found this SASS based theme , but it's using LESS. How much ...
Nick's user avatar
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"Unable to find deploy strategy for module: no known mapping" / when Snowdog SASS theme / or updating any dependency

I have installed the "snowdog/theme-blank-sass": "^0.10.1" Now I am trying to replace it with our fork, versioned 0.110.1 (just added 100) "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", ...
Alex's user avatar
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Modify CSS in magento 2

I am quite new to magento 2 and am trying to get my head around less and scss (new to this too). At the moment I just want to change the orange border at the bottom of the active Magento navigation ...
harri's user avatar
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How to use SASS in Magento 2?

very generic question. I am super confused on how to use SASS in Magento 2, I can't seem to find an easy guide on explaining step by step how to do so... any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Kara's user avatar
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Child theme not loading parent theme styles | SnowdogApps blank-sass

SOLVED (Answer below) I had to add this to themes.json that took styles.scss and print.scss from Snowdog/blank and compiled it to my Training/default: "default-blank": { "src": "vendor/snowdog/...
rits's user avatar
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5 votes
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Swapping Less for Sass / Removing an argument previously added to type via di.xml in Magento2

So I am investigating Ben Mark's claim that is really easy to switch out the PHP Less pre-processor for a Sass one. (I don't buy it) I have ...
James Anelay - TheExtensionLab's user avatar
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SASS in 1.9 - LESS in 2 - Why?

As I familiarize myself with Magento's implementation of SASS, I recalled this bit from the Magento 2 wiki:
pspahn's user avatar
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