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how to get dependency graphs - problems in generated code

I am trying to look at dependency graphs by setting MAGE_PROFILER=2, as explained here. When I do, I get an error like Fatal error: Declaration of Magento\Framework\Interception\Config\CacheManager\...
Michael Wolf's user avatar
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How to interpret Magento profiler data?

We have recently turned on the Magento 2 profiler to try and track down our performance issues on the site. We can see that the magento->routers_match process is taking up a good bit of our load ...
matthh's user avatar
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Magento search extremely slow. Profiler output

I have magento 2.4.5 and my own dedicated server with elastic search installed. my catalogue page takes forever to load (16 sec). I have 18K products. Magento profiler shows me: TEMPLATE:/var/www/...
Henri's user avatar
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What front-end profiler do you use to analyze the performance of the magento 2 site?

What is the best free front-end profiler to analyze site performance magento 2?
Max Sav's user avatar
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Magento 2 autoload error : "Magento\Framework\Profiler\Driver\Standard\Output\HTML" doesn't exist

Am getting the following error after I enabled the profiler from the command line Autoload error Cannot create standard driver output, class "Magento\Framework\Profiler\Driver\Standard\Output\...
Radhu's user avatar
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How to enable dependency profiling graphs | Magento 2.3

According to this article we can enable dependency profiling graph but did not find any command for the same. As Mentioned on the page - To enable dependency graphs, use the "variable option". See ...
Mr. Nanhe's user avatar
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Magento 2 Speed Optimization: default component/events taking too long to load like routers_match taking around 6sec

I have setup a magento store: Server Details: AWS EC2 instance: c4.2xlarge(Region: us-west-1c) AWS RDS instance: db.t2.xlarge(Region: us-west-1c) Store Details: Magento Version: 2.3.1 Theme ...
Brst Dev's user avatar
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Magento Commerce Cloud : Tool for real time monitoring of sql queries and processes

I need to monitor the number of SQL queries and processes and their corresponding CPU and swap usages in real-time just like the monitoring tool provided with PHPMyAdmin. I need something similar for ...
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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Profiler Analysis for product list page in magento 1.9

My product list page is very slow as I have customized things and use custom phtml for that, I have enabled the profiler and found this: Memory usage: real: 78643200, emalloc: 49273704 Code Profiler ...
Yogita's user avatar
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Profiler output data

Who can explain to me about data output in profiler report in csv format? I have the next data but don't know what is mean. cache_frontend_create,0.023024,0.011512,2,"2,560,880",0 magento,8.667415,8....
Petro Chaikivskyi's user avatar
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Magento 1.7. - Update status attribute via Dataflow Profile

We are trying to UPDATE the status attribute via Dataflow Profiles and CSV file. The CSV is processed correctly (no error messages in the popup showing the process), so the settings in the Dataflow ...
Wolf.Piller's user avatar
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Profiler is always overwriting the CSV file to debug multiple subsequent requests

I have enabled the profiler in order to find out which events are triggered during order creation and processing. php bin/magento dev:profiler:enable csvfile But it is alway overwriting var/log/...
Alex's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 AOE_Profiler

I've uploaded all the files from aoe profiler git to my store root folder and then i've edited the var/aoe_profiler.xml to <trigger>always</trigger> but when i load my front page i don't ...
emma's user avatar
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profile API call

I enable profiler SetEnv MAGE_PROFILER html in my conf file for magento 2. Is there an easy way to profile Magento 2 API REST calls.
Arshad Muhammad's user avatar
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Magento 1.9 : Slow order creation from backend

One of our Magento clients has reported that creating orders from the backend (manually eg customer ordering over the phone) is intermittently very slow. Each checkout step (whenever the spinning '...
Chris's user avatar
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What is routers_match and layout_render in Magento 2.2.4 Profiler?

I'm new to Magento 2. Please help me to know the meaning and how can we reduce load time of routers_match and layout_render in Magento 2.2.4 Profiler?
Dhara Bhatti's user avatar
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Magento 30 second TTFB Caused by BLOCK ACTION: top.links -> addLink

I've a site that's been up for the previous year without issue, however recently it has an extremely long TTFB of over 30 seconds when loading anything. I've installed AOE profiler which tells me ...
ghoulden's user avatar
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Modification to core files

A developer modified some of our core magento files... not sure I trust the code... Our profiler is saying "mage::dispatch::routers_match" and "mage::dispatch::controller::action::predispatch" are ...
Caramex's user avatar
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where we can find Dataflow - Advanced Profiles option in magento2?

Dataflow - Advanced Profiles Dataflow - Profiles I want to import product using profiler in magento2 Can anyone help?
Rutvee Sojitra's user avatar
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Help interpreting magento AOE profiler results

Anything that involves loading products in my magento store is very slow. I understand that this is the case by default, but I suspect that there's a bottleneck somewhere else in my code related to ...
JimmyTudeski's user avatar
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Profiler not showing logs on Front-End but showing on Back-End on Magento 1.9.x

I have been trying to debug or troubleshoot my Magento Store (version for a few days now. It's bottlenecking and hitting the server resource limits. But I am stuck on trying to get my ...
Tayeaba Mila's user avatar
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Profiler: every page load produces twice entries in aoe profiler runs grid. Is frontend "executed" twice?

I'm currently doing some bottleneck hunting on my M1. I've installed AOE Profiler. I do some test on category page. In the backend (System > AOE Profiler) I noticed there is twice entries at every ...
DarkCowboy's user avatar
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How to understand magento 2 profiler output?

I've just enabled profiler on my M2 site (csvfile output). But I can't understand its content. Is there any software that could make the output data more understandable?
Jared Chu's user avatar
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Magento 2 : What is profiler, what is it's purpose and how can it be used?

I came to knew that there is a profiler in Magento 2, but I am not sure what it does and what it can be used for. Please explain.
Vivek Kumar's user avatar
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How to enable Profiler on nginx?

I can't enable Profiler on nginx. I have already added this line: set $MAGE_PROFILER html to file devmagento2.conf, but nothing was happened. I also have tried to add this line: $_SERVER['...
Skorzhyk's user avatar
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Varien Profiler won't turn on for front end

I am using magento 1.9.3 and I have followed all the steps to turn on Varien Profiler but when I go to the frontend it still won't show up. 1) enabled it in system -> configuration -> advanced -> ...
Bill Garrison's user avatar
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Output profiler manually

Unfortunately, the profiler is not outputting data on my own controller actions, but those (including how magento comes to execute this action) I would like to profile. Is there a code I can run in ...
alexandre's user avatar
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Magento Category Pages are too slow

Time to first byte is almost 6 seconds and full page load time is 8.60 second I try to run profiler and here is the results Memory usage: real: 45350912, emalloc: 44510384 I can't figure out why ...
Vaibhav Ahalpara's user avatar
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Why does price.phtml take so long to load?

I have just launched a new Magento site that has been in development for a long time. Right before launch, I went through my "speed up" checklist: Compilation: on Caching: on Flat databases: ...
Michael Yaeger's user avatar
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Frontend incredibly slow

I am moving a Magento website on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server. The same website is working fine on another machine running openSUSE 12.3. The website seems to be correctly working on the new ...
Niko Zarzani's user avatar
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Why is Locale Currency taking so long?

I have been profiling some pages and after clearing cache there is a really slow response from: Locale/Currency I am not too sure why it is taking so long. Here is the profiler entry: Here is the ...
tread's user avatar
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Use the Magento 2 profiler in CLI

In Magento 2 the profiler can easily be turned on with an environment variable SetEnv MAGE_PROFILER [output] with [output] one of "html", "firebug", or "csvfile" Now if I want to profile a CLI ...
Fabian Schmengler's user avatar
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Profiler Missing

I've enabled the profiler in the admin (System->Configuration->Developer->Debug->Profiler) and set it for the individual storefronts for good measure. I've also enabled the profiler in ...
John's user avatar
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Profiling of popup. Is it possible?

I'm going to run profiler for one page in admin area. It opened in popup. I enabled profiler in system / configuration, uncommented Varien_Profiler::enable(); in index.php Profiler started working, ...
zhartaunik's user avatar
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Magento 1: is there any downside removing Varien_Profiler?

I recently noticed this interesting post regarding performance: So according to the OP, it seems like removing the references to Varien_Profiler in the ...
Raphael at Digital Pianism's user avatar
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Fatal error: Class 'Varien_Profiler' not found in /app/Mage.php [closed]

So this is an odd one. I am running Magento EE with php 5.5.34 with Zend OPcache. I installed AOE Profiler and fixed a few issues and now I wanted to uninstall. So I removed all files, ...
Joshua Pack's user avatar
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mage taking dobule time when theme is changed

i have changed theme after that when i debug using profiler ,my new website takes double time i tried to debug using profiler and found issue was with mage as it took double time when theme is just ...
mdeveloper's user avatar
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magento profile debugg : db_update what is it

i was trying to debug slow reason fro my magento website in profile i got below output there was large with db_update, can u tell db_update is used or what is that need or seems bit odd to me layout/...
mdeveloper's user avatar
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Magento Performance Suddenly Decreased

I inherited a project from a work colleage about a year ago now. It's a Magento store (heavily customised) and after reviewing areas of code, I almost had a heart attack. Up until the ...
rosey85uk's user avatar
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Profiling magento (category manager) using xdebug profiler

I am looking at reported speed issue in admin category manager, where some categories can take up to 2 minutes of load time after the tree view was clicked. There are now errors anywhere, simply just (...
ProxiBlue's user avatar
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Enabling Magento2 Database Profiler

How to enable Magento2's database profiler ?
Atish Goswami's user avatar
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How to configure Profiler in Magento 2?

I'm having trouble to configure the profiler in Magento 2 (version 1.0.0-beta). I want to apply a specific configuration, I want to set a timer threshold to 0 because the default settings prevent from ...
Michael R's user avatar
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Slow Magento - Mage_Core_Model_Session

For some reason this past week my magento store has started loading slowly, particularly the time to first byte being the issue. I've disabled an extension that I installed but to no avail. I've ran ...
Pabzoid's user avatar
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Magento profiler, manually output selected profiles

How do we manually output profiler results? For example if we wanted to output just few keys/sections? Right now when we switch on the profiler it will output all sections.
xelber's user avatar
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Enabled profiler in admin and index.php but emtpy tables

I did enabled the profiler at System->Configuration->Developer->Debug->Profiler and I commented out the line Varien_Profiler::enable(); inside the index.php file. But when I refresh the page, the ...
JGeer's user avatar
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AOE Profiler not displaying in footer

Have tried installing AOE Profiler on a Magento CE 1.8 site, successfully installed with Composer but despite enabling it in index.php, local.xml and the Magento backend, the profiler doesn't appear ...
Tofuwarrior's user avatar
33 votes
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Magento 2: Is there a Profiler?

Does Magento 2 have a profiler? The Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Developer -> Debug panel still exists, but there's no settings for a profiler there. If Magento 2 does have a ...
Alana Storm's user avatar
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How to reduce page load time [closed]

Some please help me with this. Where do I find these files. I need to reduce the time line I have used memcache. Profiler details mage 3.5387 mage::dispatch::routers_match 3.4298 mage::dispatch::...
nikhil carvalho's user avatar
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What does __EAV_COLLECTION_LOAD_ENT_ mean?

I am using the AOE Profiler, which can be downloaded for free from Now, when I profile some pages of my store, it says stuff like: ...
user1638055's user avatar
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Profiler not working after upgrade from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1

I needed to find a chokepoint in my code, and while it worked in 1.8.0, after the upgrade to 1.8.1 the profiler only shows the table headers like this: Memory usage: real: 35913728, emalloc: 34225312 ...
Deep Frozen's user avatar
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